Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on Future Career Early Education Teacher - 851 Words

According to U.S. Department of Education, Early Education teacher means â€Å"any professional working in Early Learning and Development Programs, including but not limited to center-based and family child care providers, infant and toddler specialists, early administrators, Head Start teachers, Early Head Start teachers, preschool and other teachers, teacher assistants, family services staff, and health coordinators.† Some reason why people want to become an early education teacher persist of good education programs, wages/benefits, and the skills people need to have for the job. Everyone thinks being a teacher obtains easiest , which it might be, but to get a teaching degree may a lot harder than what it looks like. Starting in†¦show more content†¦Lastly, they take a state licensing exam to get a teaching license. If teachers do not get a job right away, they manage to sub for other teachers. Erica Lusk still remains job less as a teacher but gets paid 75 dollars a day for subbing at Parkway. An early education teacher gains a lot of big responsibility. One classroom occupies about 25 children per teacher and that means 25 parents place that teacher responsible for each and every one of their children. Also, teachers endure other responsibilities that some people do not think of like grading test or papers, supervising recess, creating lesson plans, and attending in-service training or meeting. Teachers need to watch what they do and say all the time because they are role models for everyone and everywhere they go. Teachers need good communication skills, because they need to make sure the parents stay involved as much as possible. They also need to know how to listen to others no matter what age they are. Reason and problem solving is another area teachers have to be good at because they need to think under pressure fast when things go wrong. Time and managing themselves remains very important, because it teaches the children how to manage their time and help the schedule run smoothly. Also, teaching can obtain very physically demanding, because teachersShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Early Childhood Educator1314 Words   |  6 PagesEarly-Childhood Educator A day in the life of an early-childhood educator begins early with consistent routines. Teachers arrive at their room and prepare activities for the day. Once the students arrive in the classroom teachers begin with a structured morning activity to get their minds moving. After, morning announcements teachers begin to teach for the day with fun, in gaging lessons that seem to not even be related to learning. On some days the students will go to specials such as music, artRead MoreMy Career Path For A Teacher Essay1211 Words   |  5 Pagesgoals of how they want to approach the right career path for them. 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