Saturday, February 29, 2020

Alice in wonderland belonging

Alice in Wonderland is a well-known film produced in 1951. A remade modern version of the movie was made in 2010. The movie is an American live action/computer animated fantasy film directed by Tim Burton. It was released by Walt Disney Pictures, one of Hollywood’s â€Å"Big Six† film studios, and film stars including Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway. The movie is based on a nineteen year old girl named Alice going onto an audacious adventure. Alice has been confronted by an unwanted marriage proposal to a man, not knowing of how to reply, Alice gets overwhelmed and runs away following a rabbit in a blue waistcoat, and accidentally falls into a large rabbit hole, where she finds herself into another dimension called Wonderland. She gets greeted by a White Rabbit, a Dormouse, the Dodo, the Tall Flowers and Tweedledum and Tweedledee. They argue over her identity as being â€Å"the right Alice†, which legend says that she is somewhat supposed to slay the Red Queen Jabberwocky and restore the White Queen to power. Alice walks towards the Red Queen’s castle. The Red Queen welcomes Alice into her castle and shows Alice the Vorpal Sword (the only weapon capable of killing the Jabberwocky), not knowing that she is the chosen one to slay her Jabberwocky restoring peace to the land. Alice later then manages to retrieve the sword and gets caught by the Bandersnatch, a terrifying beastly creature. She runs away and hands over the sword to the White Queen. Word gets around that the White Queen has possession of the sword handed by Alice, and a rebellious war goes down. Both armies of the White Queen and The Red Queen prepare for battle. Alice later on manages to kill the Jabberwocky and peace is restored to the land. From the purple blood of the dead Jabberwocky, Alice uses it to magically return home. She promises to come back and visit again, like she had thirteen years back. Alice returns home and makes a pledge to her family to live life on her own terms. 1. There are numerous aspects of belonging being represented in the text ‘Alice in Wonderland’. One main aspect in the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ that is being represented to belonging is, when Alice goes onto a mysterious journey in search of a destination where she truly felt she belonged as a child. Alice is being accepted in to the Wonderland which makes her feel belonged and allows her to get a better understanding about her situation in reality. The adventure she goes on, allows her to make many choices of her own and where she has to make a final decision to define who she is and who she wants to become in the real world. 2. Belonging is important to how we find our own identity within ourselves and our place with individuals. It is a connection to people, places, groups, communities and the wider world. Belonging can provide a sense of acceptance, security and completion. Nevertheless, the process of belonging may not always be depicted as a positive aspect. It can also lead to the exclusion or segregation of individuals due to obstacles that delay efforts to belong. The Depiction of belonging is similar to our core text â€Å"The Secret River†, as it has been shown throughout the whole text. An example of this is how both the Indigenous Australians and the English settlers both feel that they either own or belong to the land. As noted on page 93, â€Å"There were no signs that the blacks felt that the place belonged to them. They had no fences that said this is mine. No house that said, this is our home. There were no fields or flocks that said, we have put the labour of our hands into this place. † This quotation demonstrates how the English settlers have no understanding of ownership from the Aboriginal idea that they and the land are one. The Aboriginal people believed that the land was not something that could be retailed or negotiated away. The Indigenous Australians had cared, cherished and lived harmoniously with the land, while on the other hand, the British colonists saw no reason not to take the land and resources of the Aboriginals because they did not place any signs of them owning the land or any property. The Western had built permanent structures and plants out crops on fields as the Aborigines had not invested in the land. It was believed that someone who did not do labour on the land or developed its resources were not considered to own that land. The Indigenous Australians had felt the firmness of the land beneath their feet and knew that the land belonged to them, and that they belonged to it. The Depiction of belonging is similar to â€Å"The Secret River† as it has shown belonging in numerous ways throughout the text by demonstrating who owns the land and who does the land belong to. 3. There are many language techniques used throughout the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to communicate the idea of belonging. These would include symbolism, metaphors and similes. Symbolism is used in the text where Alice goes through a variety of absurd physical changes to her body. She feels traumatic and sorrow for never being the right size. This acts as a symbol for the changes a child may feel as her body grows and changes during puberty. Alice struggles to uphold a comfortable physical size. As stated in In Chapter 1, Well, Ill eat it, said Alice, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door: so either way Ill get into the garden and I dont care which happens! She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, Which way? Which way? † holding her hand on top of her head to feel which way it was growing; and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size. † This quotation shows that Alice is feeling miserable, frustrated and stressed when she keeps finding herself too big or too small to enter the garden. The use of symbolism used in this example demonstrates that it represents an abstract idea of Alice feeling irritated, traumatic and the act of not belonging. Another language technique that was used in the text is Metaphors. A Metaphor is a figure of speech comprising an implied contrast, in which a word or phrase normally is used of one thing is applied to another. †Down the rabbit hole† is a quotation from the film Alice in Wonderland. It is now a famous and most commonly used metaphor symbolising everything from exploring a new and unknown world to taking hallucinogenic drugs intending to explore through philosophical and existential thinking. In the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’, the rabbit hole is the place where all her adventures begins. It was Alices thoughtless decision to follow the White Rabbit that lead to all of her escapades. Lastly, the use of similes was used in the film. At the beginning of the film, Alice refers to telescopes. She wishes that she could â€Å"shut up like a telescope†, as well as other people too. The quote is intending that Alice wants to shut up, but keeps opening and shutting her mouth as to the ability to reduce a telescope’s size by collapsing its moving parts. She also expresses the craving and ability to shrink or grow as effortlessly as she would extend or contract a telescope. The use of simile is important because it conveys a distinctive and fascinating, thought to the audience by comparing it to something with which the reader is familiar of. In conclusion, the use of symbolism, metaphors and similes used in the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by the composer to communicate the idea of belonging is shown throughout the text is effective as it gives the audience a real, vivid image in their mind.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Analysis of a movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of a movie - Essay Example is an art of making motion pictures, encompasses different criteria or qualities by which its aesthetic quality can be evaluated depending on the person viewing it. Thereby, its classification as a beautiful film depends on the subjective nature of the person who viewed it. It is in this regard that this essay is written to present an analysis of Rain Man in terms of addressing the following questions: (1) keeping in mind what you have learned in class thus far about literary elements, what does this movie mean to you? (2) What is this movie really about? (3) Is there a "moral to the story," a theme to be explored, or comment to think about? (4) What is the point of the movie? And (5) did you find this movie meaningful for you personally? Why or why not? Rain Man is a movie an uplifting experience through the spectacular performance of the actors, both Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise. For me, it is one of the best movies I have seen and have continued to remember so far due to the theme and the characters of the movie. The most critical factors that qualify a film or movie as good in my own conviction are as follows: (1) a good plot (or the content of the story), (2) the quality and choice of casts, (3) genre, (4) excellent audio visual quality, (5) cinematography (or the form which is the actual beauty of fine art) and (6) moral or message of the story. Contemporary films do not necessarily comply with the standards of aesthetic quality despite the developments and utilization of technology to apply special effects. In fact, according to Osider (2009), â€Å"lately, the blockbuster has fallen into the habit of replacing beautiful form with thrills. These films contain mainly shallow themes and impressive special effects. The audience might like the film, but again that does not make it a good one.† An aesthetically crafted film should show a good quality that not only entertains but inspires. The content and form combine beautifully to create film art. Osider

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Leonardo da Vinci Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Leonardo da Vinci - Research Paper Example Leonardo had designed a helicopter, a tank, as well as a calculator. He had often made important discoveries on hydrodynamics, civil engineering, as well as optics. During his lifetime, he was also well reputed for his skills in engineering. The bridge was later made to span an inlet at the mouth of Bosporous, which is also known as the Golden Horn. Beyazid did not approve the project since he believed that such a bridge would not work out. Leonardo was often called as the â€Å"renaissance man† since he was extra ordinarily talented in different streams. He was a versatile genius in every sense. Leonardo was engaged in the construction of bridges for most of his life time. His revolving bridges were able to transport armies over water bodies. The bridges he designed, and got constructed for the armies, had made it easier for the armies to cross quite a vast numbers of rivers. Leonardo’s statue was erected in 2001, when a small bridge was constructed in Norway. The Turk ish Government on 17 May decided to construct Leonardo’s bridge (which he designed earlier) to span the Golden Horn. The bridge becomes a reality 500 years after its designing. It was Vebjorn Sand, an artist in Norway, who took the initiative to construct it. He saw the sketch and the miniature form of the bridge at an exhibition of Da Vinci’s architectural and engineering designs. ... â€Å"The Mona Lisa of bridges† as what people call it today was sketched by Da Vinci 500 years ago, though many thought the implementation of such a design would be impossible. Vebjorn Sand’s version of it is like this. â€Å"This is the first time any of Leonardo's architectural and civil engineering designs has been built. There have been models, but this is the first in full size," (Da Vinci Comes to Life 500 Years on, 2001). Sand was the ideal person to take up the project of the Golden Horn bridge since he was not only a famous painter but was also the one who was acclaimed for his gigantic public art installations. Now Golden Horn has become the famous water way in Istanbul and it separates England from Asia. It is quite unbelievable that the bridge was designed in 1502, and that it took 500 years for someone to convert it into a reality. Vebjorn Sand deserves accolades for it. Sand was purely influenced by the traditions of Renaissance and Baroque, and believed that â€Å"we shouldn’t live in the past, but the past should live in us† (Sahlins, 2007). For the next few years, Sand spent most of his time and effort in transforming the dream design into a reality. In 2001, the project was completed. The original version of the design was 240 meter or 720 feet stone structure, which was intended to span Golden Horn as an inlet between Istanbul and Pera. This project could not achieve its form during Da Vinci’s period since the technology of the period was not that efficient. Leonardo bridge was an elegant project with 100 meters or approximately 300 feet length. Moreover it is remarkable in its perfection of pressed-bow construction. In accordance with Da Vinci’s original plan, Sand is creating a