Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Write Sample Research Essays on Women in Leadership

†Women in leadership† is one of the topics, which allows for almost infinite freedom, unless you are given more specific instructions as to what particular women and what particular kind of leadership you are supposed to write about. As you probably know, the very nature of research essays presupposes that you take a rather narrow and clear-cut topic – your average research essay is supposed to be rather small, but at the same time providing deep insights into a particular topic. If you take a too generalized theme you will not be able to carry out anything deserving to be called research. Thus, if you have to write about women in leadership sample research essays on this topic will be probably about particular famous women: Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher and so on. Or you may be said to perform research on women being leaders in a certain area of life: politics, business, social movements – take your pick. Or you may be given a task of writing on women in leadership in a particular historical epoch†¦ as you may see, the possibilities are almost innumerable. But still, essay format means that most likely you won’t have an opportunity to carry out research on an entire epoch or an entire area of activity. Essays are rarely larger than five-ten pages – and what particular research on such large topics can be crammed into such a limited space? Thus, you will probably be limited to writing about a single person. If you have some choice in this matter, choose wisely and, as usual, try to choose the topic that would be interesting and inspiring for you and original and unexpected for those who are going to read and evaluate your essay. The names we have mentioned earlier are probably the first names that come to mind when you think about women in leadership. Which is a very good reason to avoid writing about them, unless you have something really interesting to say or can study them from an unusual point of view. It will be much better if you choose a more obscure name, someone even your tutor will be interested in reading about. If you choose a fairly well-known person, be sure to include some rarely mentioned or controversial information about them – after all, it is your research, you are supposed to find interesting and not widely known facts about the subject matter. All in all, the suggestions one can make on writing about this topic are more or less the same as always. Don’t be too verbose, try to tell as much as possible in as few words as possible. Don’t make the topic either too narrow or too wide. Stick to one line of thought from the beginning to the end.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Beowulf Portrait Of Anglo Saxon Society Essay - 2057 Words

Beowulf: Portrait of Anglo-Saxon Society The Middle Ages in England began with the withdrawal of the Romans and the arrival of various Germanic tribes (the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes), during the mid-fifth century. These tribes, which became known as the Anglo-Saxons, were composed of people from North Germany, Denmark and northern Holland, and took control of most of Britain, except for lands such as Scotland, Wales or Cornwall (Hindley 23). They brought with them the tradition of oral poetry, specifically heroic poetry, which they valued, as it honored brave feats and specific codes of conduct, and which was used for recording historical events. One of the most famous heroic stories, later transposed to manuscript, was the poem Beowulf (Edward 2). It is the mythical tale of a warrior who saves his people from monsters through his courageous deeds. Nevertheless, this epic poem was not completely fictional as it incorporated a great deal of Germanic history. For example, m any of the characters were real, such as: kings, Hygelac, Hrothgar, Ongentheow, Haethcyn, Onela and Heardred, and are mentioned in a twelfth century chronicle. The Geats, Danes, and Swedes of the time are also historically noted in ancient chronicles. The Ravenswood battle, fought in 510AD is also true, and Heorot was an actual place located in a Meiselbach 2 village near Roskilde, on the island with Copenhagen (Hunter 49). More importantly, heroic poems often utilized the hero to embodyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Beowulf As A Heroic Epic779 Words   |  4 Pagesideals are sometimes the basis of a society. The Anglo-Saxon people are a prime example of the previous statement. In Anglo-Saxon culture, being called a hero was an honor. Heroes were treated like kings. One of the most popular hero stories that bled into Anglo-Saxon life was the heroic epic of Beowulf. Beowulf was the perfect example of an Anglo-Saxon hero as he was courageous, strong, and determined. Due to its wondrous tales of Beowulf’s intrepid adventures, Beowulf is a heroic epic. To clarify, aRead MoreRethinking Gender And Space On Old English Literature877 Words   |  4 PagesGender and Space in Old English Literature Beowulf and The Wife’s Lament are written between 100 and 1600 centuries. There has been different interpretation of the poems, some, an attempt to fit the events in the poems into the 21st century which has led to distortions and misrepresentation especially of the female characters and their representation in these poems. According to Shari Horner, twentieth century critics have tried to read women in Beowulf particularly as garrulous, weak, and dispassionateRead MoreAnglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry5673 Words   |  23 Pagesinestimable value as a source of knowledge about many aspects of Germanic society. The traditional epics (also called primary epics or folk epics) were shaped by a literary artist from historical and legendary materials which had developed out of the oral traditions of his nation during a period of expansion and warfare. To this group are ascribed the Iliad and Odyssey of the Greek Homer, and the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf . The literary or secondary epics were composed by sophisticated craftsmenRead MoreBritish Literature Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesAges the oldest literature monument of the Anglo – Saxon period is the old Germanic legend called BEOWULF. This heroic poem is about the strong and courageous pagan hero Beowulf John Wycliffe – is a professor of Oxford University. With his students he translated the whole Bible into English - he influenced Master Jan Hus and our Hussite movement very much 2. the renaissance and humanism Geoffrey Chaucer – Canterbury Tales – brilliant portrait of 30 pilgrims who travel to Canterbury andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Beowulf 3700 Words   |  15 PagesSeptember 2014 Summer Reading Assignment Beowulf 1. This epic poem is one of the first works composed in the English language. It also tells us about the Anglo-Saxon people who lived in England and their culture. What values did these people support? What ideals did they try to live by? How do their values compare to our values today? Try to find similarities between our culture and this ancient culture. Use examples from text to support your points. The Anglo-Saxon people in England at this time followedRead MoreThe Sonnet Form: William Shakespeare6305 Words   |  26 Pagespattern created in a line of verse. There are four basic kinds of meter: Accentual (strong-stress) meter: The number of stressed syllables in a line is fixed, but the number of total syllables is not. This kind of meter is common in Anglo-Saxon poetry, such as Beowulf. Gerard Manley Hopkins developed a form of accentual meter called sprung rhythm, which had considerable influence on 20th-century poetry. Syllabic meter: The number of total syllables in a line is fixed, but the number of stressed syllablesRead MoreChildrens Literature13219 Words   |  53 Pageschildren’s literature is a constant battle of dulcis et utile (or, pleasure and instruction) and (2) children’s literature is a site of multiplicity and intertextuality that absorbs and assimilates anything it likes. 2. Early History In order for a society to produce a substantial body of childrens literature it must recognize the existence of children as an important and distinctive category of readers with separate needs and interests. Despite Philippe Arià ¨ss much debated assertion that childhood

Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Change Is as Good as a Holiday. Free Essays

‘’A change is as good as a holiday†¦ really? ’’ According to my personal experience a change is better than a holiday. I changed my life by moving to another country, the UK, where I can create something and develop my life, unlike going on holiday for a short period of time and returning to do the same thing again. During my time in Iraq I enjoyed spending time with my family and I was happy as a clown. We will write a custom essay sample on A Change Is as Good as a Holiday. or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, on April the 9th 2003 USA had a master plan to invade Iraq, as a child I was scared due to my parents clearly being worried; this made me anxious I was so terrified and shaken like an electric tooth brush. It was like I had adrenalin rush, I couldn’t sleep – I was alive with fear. As the army entered the city of Baghdad, Iraq†¦ The sky was red like blazing flames and I could hear the bullets shoot through my ears like thunder. The gun powder rushed into my nose from the chimney from the fire place in the comfort of my own home. There were so many reasons why I had left my country with my family, and one of them was the war. However I’ve been through the hard times and I could’ve just stayed. Not knowing what my destiny would be but as a family we made the decision of leaving. We all agreed that if we left Iraq then we could all have a better life and could continue with our education to have the best life possible. Who wants to leave their home town? Obviously it was a struggle and to look back and leave behind everything and everyone I know: The home I grew in for 11 years and the place where my childhood was full with amazing memories. On the way to the airport I felt miserable; I was reluctant to get on the plane. I hesitated to step forward, however a decision has been made and I had no choice apart from getting on the plane as I knew that my dad was at the other end of the journey. The dream came true! My first step out of the plane towards success, I continued walking through the tunnel to see my dad for the first time in a year. I was bursting with joy to see my father; I was pumped with energy full of happiness: I couldn’t express my feelings so I just hugged him, and my heart was finally relieved. The family and I were on the way out of the airport, into to the car that my dad bought which was blue like the Circassian sea, and we were on the way to the house in Neasdon, London. When I was in the car whilst my dad was driving, I was scared; I didn’t know anyone or the language they spoke. The weather was dull; the clouds were grey and the dark streets. It was due to rain my dad said. I couldn’t play the sport I loved; swimming was my favourite sport back home. There was indoor swimming but it wasn’t the same. I couldn’t even go to my own back garden to do anything, and it was full of mud. A week after I arrived it had snowed, for the first time in my life I saw little white flakes falling from the sky, like a blessing from god. I wanted to go out, but I had a cold and I wasn’t even used to this miserable demotivating weather. Back in Iraq it was blazing hot nearly every day of the year. Every day it was a staggering 50 degrees Celsius like the Saharan desert. As I started school I felt the effects of the change, I didn’t know whether it would be for the better or worse; however I knew I was going to achieve something great, and become a role model to inspire my brother as he was young and needed someone to look up to besides my dad. I feel a little safer nowadays due to people being nice, although there are those occasional racist remarks people give. But altogether the people all colours, races and nationalities are not as I expected; there are mixed cultures and religions -they did not shun me they welcomed me to the area and country; even though they did not know where I was from, who I am, or what I do. Till this day the dream of a better life still lives on. Change instead of a holiday can be good in some circumstances such as mine. For me my safety was more important so I had to leave. Sometimes freedom and safety are something a holiday can’t give. How to cite A Change Is as Good as a Holiday., Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Complaint Letter free essay sample

In this speech I will be talking to you about the necessity and importance of aging a stand in our communities. I will be talking about the results and outcomes of making a stand and whom it will effect and influence being males and females, Indigenous and unloosening and political and non-political. Enumerate the parts of the speech Firstly, I will explain that making a stand is necessary. Secondly, I will describe what Australia will be like when we, Indigenous people, make a stand In our communities. Thirdly, I will paint a picture of what Australia will be like If we dont stand up and be counted.I will end by restating the Importance of making a stand ND standing up for what we believe. Translator to 1st PART Antithesis I now come to the first part of my speech. In this part I will explain that making a stand and standing up for what we believe is important and is a necessity. We will write a custom essay sample on Complaint Letter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was recently at a community meeting where the speaker was talking about an issue that l, along with many others strongly disagreed with. But what did we do? Nothing. Standing up for what you believe is not a right. Making a stand in your community is a responsibility that you and I must carry out.Making a stand in the community is a necessity and accessibility that everyone, both young and old, needs to be involved in today, tomorrow and forever, and we need to do it now. Now is the time to fight for equality, equity and social Justice. Now is the time to make a deference in society and speak up about our Issues and concerns. Now Is the time to stand up and be counted. Translator to 2nd PART Antinovel Now that I have enlightened you on the Importance of making a stand, I will now paint a picture of what Australia will be Like If we dont make a stand in our communities.First, let me paint a picture of what Australia will e like if we dont take the responsibility and duty of standing up and speaking up in our communities. If we dont make a stand, our people will get left out of the important decision making for our country that effects and influences the Indigenous people and communities In Australia. If we dont make a stand, our people will be looked down on as inferior instead of equal. If we dont make a stand, our future generations will have no hope in the steady and ongoing process of reconciliation.Transition to 3rd PART You can see what will happen when we dont make a stand, UT in the next part of my speech, I will paint a picture of what Australia will be like if Acknowledge the traditional owners Introduce topic Rhetoric: Creating community through public speaking do make a stand. Model Now, imagine and picture what Australia will be like when Indigenous people make a firm and solid stand in their communities. Standing up for their ideas, beliefs, and their culture. When we make a stand, our people will be recognized. When we make a stand, our people will be respected and acknowledged.When we make a stand, conciliation will inhabit and dwell in this country we call home. Transition to the last part Slogan We dont want Australia to end up like this. Do we? In coming to the end of my speech, I will declare again the importance of making a stand in your community. Do you stand up and speak up for your ideas, beliefs and culture in your community? Do you want the Indigenous people of this country to be recognized, respected and reconciled? Lets make a stand. Its up to you, me, and up to the future generations of Indigenous people to make a difference to this country.So dont stand around, stand up and make a difference in your community, in your state and in our country. Thank you for listening. It has be both a privilege and a pleasure to speak and share with you. NOTE: This speech extends the minimum structure by: 1 . Expanding single phrases into Doubles (egg inhabit and dwell) or Triples (egg recognized, respected and reconciled); 2. Adding an Introduction; 3. Adding Transitions between the parts of the speech. Depending on time, you may leave these out while retaining the essence of speeches of praise (epidemic speech).