Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Write Sample Research Essays on Women in Leadership

†Women in leadership† is one of the topics, which allows for almost infinite freedom, unless you are given more specific instructions as to what particular women and what particular kind of leadership you are supposed to write about. As you probably know, the very nature of research essays presupposes that you take a rather narrow and clear-cut topic – your average research essay is supposed to be rather small, but at the same time providing deep insights into a particular topic. If you take a too generalized theme you will not be able to carry out anything deserving to be called research. Thus, if you have to write about women in leadership sample research essays on this topic will be probably about particular famous women: Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher and so on. Or you may be said to perform research on women being leaders in a certain area of life: politics, business, social movements – take your pick. Or you may be given a task of writing on women in leadership in a particular historical epoch†¦ as you may see, the possibilities are almost innumerable. But still, essay format means that most likely you won’t have an opportunity to carry out research on an entire epoch or an entire area of activity. Essays are rarely larger than five-ten pages – and what particular research on such large topics can be crammed into such a limited space? Thus, you will probably be limited to writing about a single person. If you have some choice in this matter, choose wisely and, as usual, try to choose the topic that would be interesting and inspiring for you and original and unexpected for those who are going to read and evaluate your essay. The names we have mentioned earlier are probably the first names that come to mind when you think about women in leadership. Which is a very good reason to avoid writing about them, unless you have something really interesting to say or can study them from an unusual point of view. It will be much better if you choose a more obscure name, someone even your tutor will be interested in reading about. If you choose a fairly well-known person, be sure to include some rarely mentioned or controversial information about them – after all, it is your research, you are supposed to find interesting and not widely known facts about the subject matter. All in all, the suggestions one can make on writing about this topic are more or less the same as always. Don’t be too verbose, try to tell as much as possible in as few words as possible. Don’t make the topic either too narrow or too wide. Stick to one line of thought from the beginning to the end.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Beowulf Portrait Of Anglo Saxon Society Essay - 2057 Words

Beowulf: Portrait of Anglo-Saxon Society The Middle Ages in England began with the withdrawal of the Romans and the arrival of various Germanic tribes (the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes), during the mid-fifth century. These tribes, which became known as the Anglo-Saxons, were composed of people from North Germany, Denmark and northern Holland, and took control of most of Britain, except for lands such as Scotland, Wales or Cornwall (Hindley 23). They brought with them the tradition of oral poetry, specifically heroic poetry, which they valued, as it honored brave feats and specific codes of conduct, and which was used for recording historical events. One of the most famous heroic stories, later transposed to manuscript, was the poem Beowulf (Edward 2). It is the mythical tale of a warrior who saves his people from monsters through his courageous deeds. Nevertheless, this epic poem was not completely fictional as it incorporated a great deal of Germanic history. For example, m any of the characters were real, such as: kings, Hygelac, Hrothgar, Ongentheow, Haethcyn, Onela and Heardred, and are mentioned in a twelfth century chronicle. The Geats, Danes, and Swedes of the time are also historically noted in ancient chronicles. The Ravenswood battle, fought in 510AD is also true, and Heorot was an actual place located in a Meiselbach 2 village near Roskilde, on the island with Copenhagen (Hunter 49). More importantly, heroic poems often utilized the hero to embodyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Beowulf As A Heroic Epic779 Words   |  4 Pagesideals are sometimes the basis of a society. The Anglo-Saxon people are a prime example of the previous statement. In Anglo-Saxon culture, being called a hero was an honor. Heroes were treated like kings. One of the most popular hero stories that bled into Anglo-Saxon life was the heroic epic of Beowulf. Beowulf was the perfect example of an Anglo-Saxon hero as he was courageous, strong, and determined. Due to its wondrous tales of Beowulf’s intrepid adventures, Beowulf is a heroic epic. To clarify, aRead MoreRethinking Gender And Space On Old English Literature877 Words   |  4 PagesGender and Space in Old English Literature Beowulf and The Wife’s Lament are written between 100 and 1600 centuries. There has been different interpretation of the poems, some, an attempt to fit the events in the poems into the 21st century which has led to distortions and misrepresentation especially of the female characters and their representation in these poems. According to Shari Horner, twentieth century critics have tried to read women in Beowulf particularly as garrulous, weak, and dispassionateRead MoreAnglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry5673 Words   |  23 Pagesinestimable value as a source of knowledge about many aspects of Germanic society. The traditional epics (also called primary epics or folk epics) were shaped by a literary artist from historical and legendary materials which had developed out of the oral traditions of his nation during a period of expansion and warfare. To this group are ascribed the Iliad and Odyssey of the Greek Homer, and the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf . The literary or secondary epics were composed by sophisticated craftsmenRead MoreBritish Literature Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesAges the oldest literature monument of the Anglo – Saxon period is the old Germanic legend called BEOWULF. This heroic poem is about the strong and courageous pagan hero Beowulf John Wycliffe – is a professor of Oxford University. With his students he translated the whole Bible into English - he influenced Master Jan Hus and our Hussite movement very much 2. the renaissance and humanism Geoffrey Chaucer – Canterbury Tales – brilliant portrait of 30 pilgrims who travel to Canterbury andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Beowulf 3700 Words   |  15 PagesSeptember 2014 Summer Reading Assignment Beowulf 1. This epic poem is one of the first works composed in the English language. It also tells us about the Anglo-Saxon people who lived in England and their culture. What values did these people support? What ideals did they try to live by? How do their values compare to our values today? Try to find similarities between our culture and this ancient culture. Use examples from text to support your points. The Anglo-Saxon people in England at this time followedRead MoreThe Sonnet Form: William Shakespeare6305 Words   |  26 Pagespattern created in a line of verse. There are four basic kinds of meter: Accentual (strong-stress) meter: The number of stressed syllables in a line is fixed, but the number of total syllables is not. This kind of meter is common in Anglo-Saxon poetry, such as Beowulf. Gerard Manley Hopkins developed a form of accentual meter called sprung rhythm, which had considerable influence on 20th-century poetry. Syllabic meter: The number of total syllables in a line is fixed, but the number of stressed syllablesRead MoreChildrens Literature13219 Words   |  53 Pageschildren’s literature is a constant battle of dulcis et utile (or, pleasure and instruction) and (2) children’s literature is a site of multiplicity and intertextuality that absorbs and assimilates anything it likes. 2. Early History In order for a society to produce a substantial body of childrens literature it must recognize the existence of children as an important and distinctive category of readers with separate needs and interests. Despite Philippe Arià ¨ss much debated assertion that childhood

Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Change Is as Good as a Holiday. Free Essays

‘’A change is as good as a holiday†¦ really? ’’ According to my personal experience a change is better than a holiday. I changed my life by moving to another country, the UK, where I can create something and develop my life, unlike going on holiday for a short period of time and returning to do the same thing again. During my time in Iraq I enjoyed spending time with my family and I was happy as a clown. We will write a custom essay sample on A Change Is as Good as a Holiday. or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, on April the 9th 2003 USA had a master plan to invade Iraq, as a child I was scared due to my parents clearly being worried; this made me anxious I was so terrified and shaken like an electric tooth brush. It was like I had adrenalin rush, I couldn’t sleep – I was alive with fear. As the army entered the city of Baghdad, Iraq†¦ The sky was red like blazing flames and I could hear the bullets shoot through my ears like thunder. The gun powder rushed into my nose from the chimney from the fire place in the comfort of my own home. There were so many reasons why I had left my country with my family, and one of them was the war. However I’ve been through the hard times and I could’ve just stayed. Not knowing what my destiny would be but as a family we made the decision of leaving. We all agreed that if we left Iraq then we could all have a better life and could continue with our education to have the best life possible. Who wants to leave their home town? Obviously it was a struggle and to look back and leave behind everything and everyone I know: The home I grew in for 11 years and the place where my childhood was full with amazing memories. On the way to the airport I felt miserable; I was reluctant to get on the plane. I hesitated to step forward, however a decision has been made and I had no choice apart from getting on the plane as I knew that my dad was at the other end of the journey. The dream came true! My first step out of the plane towards success, I continued walking through the tunnel to see my dad for the first time in a year. I was bursting with joy to see my father; I was pumped with energy full of happiness: I couldn’t express my feelings so I just hugged him, and my heart was finally relieved. The family and I were on the way out of the airport, into to the car that my dad bought which was blue like the Circassian sea, and we were on the way to the house in Neasdon, London. When I was in the car whilst my dad was driving, I was scared; I didn’t know anyone or the language they spoke. The weather was dull; the clouds were grey and the dark streets. It was due to rain my dad said. I couldn’t play the sport I loved; swimming was my favourite sport back home. There was indoor swimming but it wasn’t the same. I couldn’t even go to my own back garden to do anything, and it was full of mud. A week after I arrived it had snowed, for the first time in my life I saw little white flakes falling from the sky, like a blessing from god. I wanted to go out, but I had a cold and I wasn’t even used to this miserable demotivating weather. Back in Iraq it was blazing hot nearly every day of the year. Every day it was a staggering 50 degrees Celsius like the Saharan desert. As I started school I felt the effects of the change, I didn’t know whether it would be for the better or worse; however I knew I was going to achieve something great, and become a role model to inspire my brother as he was young and needed someone to look up to besides my dad. I feel a little safer nowadays due to people being nice, although there are those occasional racist remarks people give. But altogether the people all colours, races and nationalities are not as I expected; there are mixed cultures and religions -they did not shun me they welcomed me to the area and country; even though they did not know where I was from, who I am, or what I do. Till this day the dream of a better life still lives on. Change instead of a holiday can be good in some circumstances such as mine. For me my safety was more important so I had to leave. Sometimes freedom and safety are something a holiday can’t give. How to cite A Change Is as Good as a Holiday., Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Complaint Letter free essay sample

In this speech I will be talking to you about the necessity and importance of aging a stand in our communities. I will be talking about the results and outcomes of making a stand and whom it will effect and influence being males and females, Indigenous and unloosening and political and non-political. Enumerate the parts of the speech Firstly, I will explain that making a stand is necessary. Secondly, I will describe what Australia will be like when we, Indigenous people, make a stand In our communities. Thirdly, I will paint a picture of what Australia will be like If we dont stand up and be counted.I will end by restating the Importance of making a stand ND standing up for what we believe. Translator to 1st PART Antithesis I now come to the first part of my speech. In this part I will explain that making a stand and standing up for what we believe is important and is a necessity. We will write a custom essay sample on Complaint Letter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was recently at a community meeting where the speaker was talking about an issue that l, along with many others strongly disagreed with. But what did we do? Nothing. Standing up for what you believe is not a right. Making a stand in your community is a responsibility that you and I must carry out.Making a stand in the community is a necessity and accessibility that everyone, both young and old, needs to be involved in today, tomorrow and forever, and we need to do it now. Now is the time to fight for equality, equity and social Justice. Now is the time to make a deference in society and speak up about our Issues and concerns. Now Is the time to stand up and be counted. Translator to 2nd PART Antinovel Now that I have enlightened you on the Importance of making a stand, I will now paint a picture of what Australia will be Like If we dont make a stand in our communities.First, let me paint a picture of what Australia will e like if we dont take the responsibility and duty of standing up and speaking up in our communities. If we dont make a stand, our people will get left out of the important decision making for our country that effects and influences the Indigenous people and communities In Australia. If we dont make a stand, our people will be looked down on as inferior instead of equal. If we dont make a stand, our future generations will have no hope in the steady and ongoing process of reconciliation.Transition to 3rd PART You can see what will happen when we dont make a stand, UT in the next part of my speech, I will paint a picture of what Australia will be like if Acknowledge the traditional owners Introduce topic Rhetoric: Creating community through public speaking do make a stand. Model Now, imagine and picture what Australia will be like when Indigenous people make a firm and solid stand in their communities. Standing up for their ideas, beliefs, and their culture. When we make a stand, our people will be recognized. When we make a stand, our people will be respected and acknowledged.When we make a stand, conciliation will inhabit and dwell in this country we call home. Transition to the last part Slogan We dont want Australia to end up like this. Do we? In coming to the end of my speech, I will declare again the importance of making a stand in your community. Do you stand up and speak up for your ideas, beliefs and culture in your community? Do you want the Indigenous people of this country to be recognized, respected and reconciled? Lets make a stand. Its up to you, me, and up to the future generations of Indigenous people to make a difference to this country.So dont stand around, stand up and make a difference in your community, in your state and in our country. Thank you for listening. It has be both a privilege and a pleasure to speak and share with you. NOTE: This speech extends the minimum structure by: 1 . Expanding single phrases into Doubles (egg inhabit and dwell) or Triples (egg recognized, respected and reconciled); 2. Adding an Introduction; 3. Adding Transitions between the parts of the speech. Depending on time, you may leave these out while retaining the essence of speeches of praise (epidemic speech).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ramirez, Catrina Marla D. Essays - Psychiatry,

Ramirez, Catrina Marla D. BSPSY3A What's Evidence of a Genetic Link to ADHD? The National Institute of Mental Health notes that scientists aren't entirely sure what causes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Anything from genes and brain injuries to low birth weight and exposure to environmental toxins at a young age may play a role. However, of these variables, experts tend to agree that genetics is the most likely link. But this isn't to say the other factors go entirely by the wayside. For example, one study, published in Human Genetics, mentions that although ADHD is "highly heritable," it's a " multifactorial disorder, in which many genes, all with a small effect, are thought to cause the disorder in the presence of unfavorable environmental conditions." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reinforces this notion, outlining that in addition to the "important role" genetics plays in ADHD, other possible risk factors and causes may include brain injury, exposure to lead during pregnancy or at a young age and premature delivery. According to James M. Swanson, professor of pediatrics at the University of California, Irvine, whether genetics is the main reason a person develops this disorder remains "a tricky question." He explains that while "ADHD does seem to run in families" and that the "statistical estimate of heritability is very high," he stresses that this does not necessarily mean that all ADHD cases have a genetic basis. "Interpretation of estimates of heritability' is complicated." "Simply put, the etiology of ADHD is complex and can involve multiple causes," says Russell A. Barkley, clinical professor of psychiatry, Medical University of South Carolina. "To date, all of the major ones fall in the realm of neurology and genetics - biological causation - with no evidence that social factors alone can account for the condition." He explains that head trauma or other neurological injuries, alcohol use during pregnancy, significant premature birth and biohazard exposure "might interact with genetic liability to the disorder to exacerbate it." Inheritance Barkley explains that the closer someone's genetic relationship is to a child with ADHD, the more likely it is that the relative also shares the disorder. For example, he notes that 25 to 35 percent of parents of ADHD children are adults with ADHD, 25 to 50 percent of siblings of children with ADHD have the disorder and 70 to 92 percent of identical twins of a child with ADHD have ADHD. Thomas E. Brown, director of the Brown Clinic for Attention and Related Disorders in Manhattan Beach, California, agrees that genetics play a role in ADHD. In his book, "Outside the Box: Rethinking ADD/ADHD in Children and Adults: A Practical Guide," he writes that "like eye color and height," ADHD starts with genes. "It runs in families." Yet he too, makes it clear that there are several variables, including the fact that some people's genes are less stable than others, sometimes not becoming "active until many years after the person is born." In some cases, new, or de novo, mutations occur in a child's genes despite the fact that they're not present in the parent's genome, Barkley says. "We think this may account for at least 10 percent of ADHD, especially if they are new cases arising in a family that has no increased risk among the relatives." Such mutations can occur in egg and sperm-producing cells, he explains, and arise simply by exposure to the mutation-causing agents that everyone experiences during their life, such as environmental toxins and the sun's radiation. Although the mutations are not present in the parent's DNA, the gene mutations may still be passed to a child. Gene-by-Environment Interactions "Some genes turn on and off depending on other things going on in the body or in the environment," Brown writes. Barkley explains that such gene-by-environment interactions can give rise to a child's ADHD development. "For instance, maternal alcohol or tobacco use during pregnancy increases the risk for ADHD about 2.5 times the population risk. But should a child have one or two of the risk genes for ADHD, the occurrence may go up eight times that of the population risk." Exposure to infections, chronic elevated parental stress during pregnancy and malnutrition earlier on in childhood

Monday, November 25, 2019

Why did the British Government decide to evacuate children f essays

Why did the British Government decide to evacuate children f essays In 1939 Britain evacuate millions of children from its major cities and towns. Evacuate began on 1st September, roughly two days before Britain went to war. The Government wanted its children out of the way before the war started. Evacuation was voluntary, the Government expected over 3.5 million people to leave for the safety of the countryside. In fact, only 1.5 million did and, of those, 735,000 were children travelling alone. So, why did the Government undertake an extremely hard task to evacuate 3.5 million children in 1939? The first causes were long term starting at World War 1. In the beginning, the first ever reason for evacuation was at the end of World War 1. At the early stages of WW1 most important an aircrafts were airships that were huge bags of lighter-than-air hydrogen gas. The British mainly used these for escorting ships and for hunting German U-Boats. However, the German airships were much more advanced and widely used than ours, called Zeppelins that were able to fly much higher and faster. The Germans realised the potential of Zeppelins as bombers and the first raids hit British towns in early 1915. During the course of that war, 1400 civilians were killed in just over 100 raids. Even though this was a major turning point to the new type of Warfare, the Zeppelins could not carry enough bombs to do any serious damage, but did achieve psychological damage. The citizens of Britain, generally secure from enemy action for almost 1000 years, now found themselves vulnerable, and became m ore so with each advance in aviation technology. This was said that this War was the first ever Total war. I think that this cause was quite important because it was the first ever signs of evacuation and air raids. Even if Zeppelins had not of used bombs, than later someone like Hitler or another Germany President would have thought of doing it. By 1919 air technology had improved dramatically and f...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The difference between USA and New Zealand's special education Research Paper

The difference between USA and New Zealand's special education - Research Paper Example "In New Zealand, the Ministry of Education, Special Education (GSE) is responsible at national, regional and district level for strengthening the Ministry of Education’s overall special education direction and for providing special education services to children and young people with educational, social, behavioral, and communication needs.(education counts)This system has been established on the basis of United States of America. The USA is one of those countries that have been an initiator of such programs thus following its footsteps New Zealand has developed its Special education policy. Both these countries lay immense stress on the propagation of education hence free education is provided to all dwelling within the region. Furthermore, the teachers who assist these children which special needs are also provided with pieces of training that are specifically designed according to the task they are responsible to perform. "In the United States of America, state-licensing sy stems set entry-level standards for special education professionals."(Farrell, 2009) A lot has been done in both countries to give such children with equal status hence some schools also provide education to special children in the same environment as normal students so that they get the same status and normal students learn to respect and value people with disabilities.The United States of America has made it a condition for all the states to provide standardized special education to all individuals.... USA is one of those countries that have been an initiator to such programs thus following its footsteps New Zealand has developed it Special education policy. Both these countries lay immense stress on the propagation of education hence free education is provided to all dwelling within the region. Furthermore the teachers who assist these children which special needs are also provided with trainings that are specifically designed according to the task they are responsible to perform. "In the  United States  of  America, state-licensing systems set entry-level standards for  special education  professionals."(Farrell, 2009) A lot has been done in both countries to give such children with equal status hence some schools also provide education to special children in the same environment as normal students so that they get the same status and normal students learn to respect and value people with disabilities. The United States of America has made it a condition for all the sta tes to provide standardized special education to all individuals. (Latham, 2008) Those who fail to do so will not be provided funds by the federal government. One of the most important efforts by the government of America to provide quality, free and equal education to these children is that a team is established which meets the child's parent in order to evaluate and determine the educational needs of the child. Furthermore it is there task to design courses according to their needs, perform placement tests, modify the program, organize counseling programs and cater to any other requirement that the child might have. Also it is the requirement of every school to meet up to the individualized education program IEP and report to the federal state about its implementation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Ethic Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Ethic - Case Study Example The management of this plant is pressurized by the corporate headquarter to increase the production level, or face the consequences of a shutdown. The primary reason for lower productivity has been attributed to the unfavourable working condition within the plant. Sugar syrup attracts honeybees to the production unit. The honeybees not only contaminate the syrup but have proved to be a nuisance for the workers. They come in swarms and render the employees helpless with their stings. The plant has to keep a mean operating temperature, due to which the protective clothing is not of much use. The situation has become so grave that employee recruitment and retention have become a serious issue in this plant. The company is known for its business ethics. It does not want its employees to undergo such inhumane treatment day in and day out nor does it want to hurt the honey bees and invite the wrath of the environmentalists. The fact that one cannot be compromised with the sake of the other has put the plant manager in a dilemma. Whatever solution is finally arrived at should address the interest of both employees as well as the organisation. The whole production unit can be surrounded by net, so that the bees cannot enter the production house. This process is expected to involve significant cost and therefore the budget should be taken into consideration before implementing it. Another suggestion is to find a substitute of sugar syrup. Rather than using sugarcanes, some other fruits and vegetables can be used to produce the sugar syrup. ‘Stevia’, a bush, has leaves whose extracts are sweeter than sugar. The company can even resort to artificial substitutes of sugar, such as saccharin, sucralose, aspartame etc. However, there are certain obligations that accompany these options. Substitutes such as Stevia have certain constituents which are known to have adverse effects on the human body.

Monday, November 18, 2019


SOCIAL ACCOUNTING OR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Literature review Example Conclusion 12 Reference 14 Introduction Accountants have made an important contribution in the debate of corporate social responsibility also known as social accounting or CSR. The major element that the accountants have contributed is the ability to provide mechanism for the holding corporations are accountable for their work. Ryan (2002) has described the Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR as motherhood issue, the hot topic of the noughties by Blyth (2005) and finally Mees and Bonham (2004) have defined CRS as the talk of the town. There are various definitions provided by the authors and which are simple and some complex and a range of ideas and terms are used interchangeably which includes the corporate sustainability, citizenship, social investment and also corporate governance (Thomas, 2006, p. 3). CRS is considered as a strategy to create, sustains a positive reputation and brand image for the company. Corporate Social responsibility has become an important part in the success of the corporate. Studies on the ef fects of CSR on the organisation have shown a diverse outcome. Many studies conducted on the effect of CSR have showed a negative result or relationship between the CSR activities and the performance of the organisation. But there are authors who have proved in showing a positive relationship between the CSR and the performance of the organisation. ... Much of the literature tends to promote the business for its CSR claiming the ethics are good for business. The instrumental approach states that the CSR needs to be reconstructed in an instrumental manner in order to be meaningful to the managers in their day to day activities to pursue the organisational goals and objectives. According to Beesley & Evans the government needs to promote the CSR in terms of taxation and also regulation in order to ensure profitability for the corporation and pursue CSR. But the normative approach states that the instrumental approach tends to diminish the ethical principles of the Corporate Social Responsibility. The normative and the instrumental approaches believes in different notion as to what would be the bottom line of any business should be and what. As per Reinhardt, the normative and also the instrumental arguments are mostly used simultaneously. There have been noticed an interplay in between the two approaches like with normative approach an understanding of the ethical business is acquired also by informing the instrumental approach. The instrumental approach does not act ethically unless and until it is profitable for the firm to do so and whereas the normative approach applies a more consistent ethical performance. According to research, driving forces for the organisations to adopt the CSR practises is catalysed in different events (Friedman & Miles, 2006, p.31). Influence on the practise of Corporate Social Responsibility tends to interact or overlap in many different and complex ways such as when the investment firms spends a huge amount of dollar in order to educate the potential financial consumers to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Internal Rate Of Return And Net Present Value Finance Essay

Internal Rate Of Return And Net Present Value Finance Essay In every business, investment appraisal is the very important part. Accounting rate of return (ARR), Payback period (PP), Net present value (NPV), Internal rate of return (IRR), and Profitability index (PI) are the different types of investment appraisal methods. In investment decisions, time is a very vital feature. ARR and PP do not take into consideration the time value of money, and do not give an indication of the amount of capital investment required. NPV, IRR, PI are consider the time value of money and the discounted cash flow techniques. It measures the cash inflows and outflows of a project as if they occurred at a single point in time so that they can be compared in an appropriate way. These are the best methods to use for long-run decisions. Since, IRR and NPV incorporate all the cash flows and time value of money, these criteria can be used to reflect capital investment proposals strategic orientation. It is often assumed that higher is better for both of the net present value and the internal rate of return.   It is usually stated that investments with higher IRR are more profitable than investments with lower IRR. However, this is not essentially so.   In some situations, an investment with a lower IRR may be better, even judged on narrow financial grounds, than an investment with a higher IRR. This interactive lecture explores why and when this reversal takes place. To review, both the NPV and the IRR require the idea of an income stream, so lets start there. An income stream is a series of amounts of money. Each amount of money comes in or goes out at some specific time, either now or in the future.   The income stream represents the investment; the income stream is all you need to know for financial evaluation purposes. In real life, individuals, charitable institutions, and even for-profit businesses have social or other goals when selecting investments.   For businesses, the benefits of community good will are no less real for being difficult to measure precisely.   For enterprises with social as well as financial goals, the measures discussed here are still useful:   They tell you how much it costs you to advance your social goals. In here, FIRMEX Corporation is allowing for undertaking two projects. The two projects will be evaluated using the discounted cash flow methods to decide on, which project is to be selected. Net Present Value (NPV) The Net Present Value analyzes the profitability of a project by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time, using the discount rate (Horngren, et al.,1997). Discount rate is the minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment. It is the return that the organization could expect to receive elsewhere for an investment of comparable risk. NPV is a better method of appraising investment opportunities than Accounting rate of return (ARR) and Payback Period (PP), because it takes account of the time value of money and also includes all the relevant cash flows irrespective of when they are expected to occur (McLaney and Atrill, 2002). Appraisal using NPV NPV is positive when the discounted cash inflows exceed the discounted cash outflows, and so a proposal is acceptable if it has a positive NPV. When evaluating two or more mutually exclusive proposals, the one with the highest positive NPV should be accepted. In the given case, NPV of Project B is much higher than that of Project A. So, Project B is preferable. Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) Internal rate of return is another discounted cash flow technique. It is the discount rate at which the present value of expected cash inflows from a project equals the present value of expected cash outflows of the project. That is, IRR is the discount rate yielding a zero NPV (Upchurch, 1998). Appraisal using IRR : A project is accepted only if the internal rate of return exceeds the companys cost of capital. If it is less than the cost of capital, the project should be rejected. While evaluating two competing projects, the one with the higher IRR should be selected. In the given case, we will get two IRR values for Project A, and so this project cannot be evaluated using IRR. Whereas, the IRR of Project B is much higher than the companys cost of capital, and therefore it can be selected. Profitability Index: Profitability index is the total present value of future net cash flows of a project divided by the total present value of the net initial investment (Horngren, 1997). It measures the cash flow return per dollar invested. It is very useful in choosing among projects when the investment funds are limited, because it can identify the projects that will generate the most money from the limited capital available. Conclusion: NPV is the technically superior criteria, because IRR is calculated by trial and error method, and so the results are less precise. Also, IRR do not consider the size of the investment required and the gain/loss which will result from undertaking or not undertaking a project. It is therefore difficult to use IRR for comparing competing proposals, and there is a possibility that both NPV and IRR will give conflicting indications. IRR is also unable to cope with a change in the cost of capital during the life of a project. But, NPV can accommodate such a change. Another problem with IRR is that some projects may have more than one IRR, which makes it a meaningless criterion while evaluating that project. In FIRMEX Corporation, Project A has got two IRR values. So, IRR cannot be used for evaluating this project. The other two criteria, NPV and profitability index are higher for Project B . IRR for Project B is also higher than the companys cost of capital.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

COLD SASSY TREE Essay -- essays research papers

Cold Sassy Tree, a novel by Olive Ann Burns, is an incredible story about the southern town of Cold Sassy, and a young man named Will Tweedy. In 1906, fourteen year old Will Tweedy is just starting to realize what it means to be a man, and all the responsibility that comes along with growing up. In Cold Sassy GA, the town is filled with gossip surrounding the town’s newest newlyweds. Will Tweedy finds himself eyewitness to it all. Grandpa E Rucker Blakeslee has ‘tied the knot’ with the young milliner, Miss Love Simpson. With it being only three weeks after the death of his last wife, the family and town alike are shocked. Confused but curious about it all, Will observes what it means to be husband and wife and what it really means to love. Puzzled by the secrets shared between the two, he tries to figure out just why Grandpa Blakeslee asked Miss Love for her hand in marriage and why she even agreed. While Grandpa Blakeslee is experiencing his second adolescence, Will is trying to make it through his first. When Will gets hit by a train and is still alive to tell about it, Grandpa Blakeslee gives him a lesson on God’s Will. And Will starts to realize not everyone interprets things the same way. When the mill child, Lightfoot crosses Will’s pa th his heart skips a beat. With all Will’s new found attractions and desires he decided to try his luck with the girls. That’s when he experiences his first kiss, and also his first heartbreak. After the innocent Uncle Camp kill’s himself due to Aunt Loma’s constant criticism, Will starts to question how he treats people. He starts to wonder if maybe he helped his uncle pull the trigger. Soon after that Grandpa Blakeslee’s store isn’t doing all that well. Two unidentified strangers come and rob Grandpa Blakeslee blind, in the process beating him up ‘something awful’. With his weakness effecting his immune system, he catches a bad case of pneumonia and soon passes away. But not before Miss Love could tell him what he had been waiting to hear his whole life†¦. He would soon have a son to carry on the family name. Not at all scared of death or the unknown, Grandpa Blakeslee orders a letter to be read concerning his funeral and remains. But to everyone’s surprise he orders the cheapest and lowest class funeral and orders himself nothing, but a wooden box. Wanting no one to mourn over him and everyone to know that he was dead... ...d soon before she died of cancer in 1994. She never finished Leaving Cold Sassy. Burns was born in 1924 on a farm in Banks County GA. Her childhood school was what modeled in her novel Cold Sassy Tree. She received a degree in journalism from the University of North Carolina, and later went on to join the Sunday magazine staff of Atlanta Journal and Constitution, were she stayed for ten years. Her marriage of the magazine’s editor, Andy, soon produced two children, Becky and John. The novel Cold Sassy Tree was based on the stories her father told her as a young child.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This book left me with the impression that life in the south in 1906 maybe wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Even without all the modern technology there is today, people had fun in other ways. In a lot of ways life was better back then. But there was still some of the crime and injustice we still see today. Religion seems to be a big part of their everyday lives. I believe other’s should read this book if they want to relive life in the south, and watch how a young southern boy finally grows up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Explore and compare the characters, achievements and deaths of Lennie Small Essay

In this essay I will explore and compare the characters, achievements and deaths of Lennie Small, from John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ and Bill Sikes from, Charles Dickens ‘Oliver Twist’. I have read both novels and enjoyed them immensely because of the wonderful characters, language and techniques used by the authors especially when describing the worlds they conjured within their novels. These two books also express perfectly the pioneering views of Dickens and Stienbeck; they both used their writings in an attempt to make their socialist views subtly heard by the masses. In the eras of Dickens and also Steinbeck, problems such as, racism, sexism, poverty and the class divide were simply accepted by society. These two authors saw the problems of their social structures, the discriminative attitudes of the people and wanted to make the public aware, being greatly frowned upon by some. Dickens and Steinbeck were soldiers of the same struggle and that is where the similarities between ‘Of Mice and Men’ and ‘Oliver Twist’ begin. Most of the characters in both novels represent the poverty that plagued both countries at the time the books were set, especially George and Lennie in ‘Of Mice and Men’; the epitome of poverty in the USA. Their lives are an endless trek around California constantly looking for work, scratching a buck or two a day from the back breaking work they do on the ranches. The poverty Oliver lives in (and that Dickens also experienced as a youth) is just the same, with a different back drop, which is why these novels relate so well to each other. Where these two stories really raise a lot of similarities, but at the same time a lot of paradoxes, are definitely the murder scenes and the deaths of the killers themselves. The characters and situations appear to be very alike, but once you read deeper you can see the differences that sneak through. Lennie Small is a very big, powerful, strong man; Steinbeck describes him as a bull. Sikes is also a large burley fellow, but where Sikes is pure evil, Lennie is childish, innocent and inhibited, a man who entirely relies on someone else to guide him, like a dog and master; their personalities are almost an antithesis. They are like this to bring out certain emotions in the reader to make us feel, hatred towards Sikes (and ultimately satisfaction when he dies), but sympathy, love and empathetic humour for Lennie. Their victims, on the other hand, are almost identical; Nancy is a prostitute and, in a way, so is Curley’s wife; she gives her body to Curley in exchange for marriage and money. We have to feel sorry for Curley’s wife when she when she confesses her sins to Lennie in the barn and the unfortunate way she has been mistreated and abused in the past. The sad thing is she is so naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve that she doesn’t realise. She confesses that she doesn’t love or even like Curley: â€Å"I don’ like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is exactly what she says to Lennie, something she has never told anyone. Nancy also repents before she dies and pleas with Bill to do so too: â€Å"†¦ let us both leave this dreadful place, and far apart lead better lives†¦ It is never too late to repent.† She even breathes a short prayer of mercy before she dies. In actual fact the whole reason Sikes kills Nancy is because she has been trying to do the lawful, honest thing and try to work her way out of this life of crime and sin she has lived in for so many years. We feel a lot more sympathy for Nancy when she dies because of this and for other reasons. To start with she is killed by a man contained with pure malice, hatred and evil, who is supposed to be her lover. Contrastingly Curley’s wife’s death is a complete accident or if anything, her fault. Also Dickens writes Nancy’s murder scene so graphically and violently it is almost impossible not to feel sorry for this woman: â€Å"†¦ Beat it twice upon her upturned face.† She must have died in agony and terror when Sikes killed her in cold, merciless blood. Nancy had to wait for her death in absolute terror for a minute or so, knowing she would be violently murdered, which must have seemed like an age, she even gets down on her knees and begs for mercy before she is savagely and callously slain. On the other hand Curley’s wife dies quickly and painlessly. There is a simple reason why this is. Dickens wants us to feel nothing, but pure, unadulterated hatred for Sikes when he kills Nancy, so when Sikes finally dies we feel justice is done. This is slightly because of Dickens’ audience, the Victorian public, being so religious and believing themselves to be so good hearted, would have demanded the death of Sikes and enjoyed the novel more without Sikes shadow hanging over the proceedings. Dickens being the man he was gives the people what they want. I prefer the way Steinbeck handles his murder scene purely because I think it is extremely clever. Steinbeck’s’ characterisation of these two characters has been leading up to this moment and it comes together perfectly. He intends us to feel sorry for Curley’s wife, but no hatred of any kind towards Lennie. Even though we have just heard of all the false promises she has been made in her life along with her failed ambitions, her belief they could still come true, all the times she has been sexually abused and the fact that she is still oblivious to all of this, we still can strongly empathise with Lennie. He is as innocent as the day he was born, a child trapped in a mans body. Lennie doesn’t have a scratch of malice in him and we could never feel anger toward a character we have come to love. After reading this scene I actually found myself almost as sorry and sympathetic towards Lennie as Curley’s wife, but not only Lennie, Candy and George too because I knew that any hopes of their long awaited dream had now been shattered. Finally in the two murder scenes to makes us feel complete hatred for Sikes and sympathy for Lennie the two authors both use similar metaphors to give the final impression that the two confessed and repented women are forgiven. With Nancy she is released from this world in the form of one of her hairs being cremated above the glowing embers and symbolically having her soul rise to Heaven. The scene after Curley’s wife is killed is heavenly enough, with the soft light of the mid-afternoon sun penetrating between the planks of the barn and the golden straw almost ceremoniously spread across the fallen maidens body, utter peace. A single dove, the messenger of God, flies in through the open barn door circles, almost giving the site its blessing, and exits with Curley’s wife’s soul on a journey to the heavens. Now I will move on to Lennie and Sikes’ deaths. In contrast to Nancy, when Sikes dies he falls straight to hell. His death is showered in chaos and fear twice that of what Nancy felt. It is a chase through the lowest and darkest place of London. A mad crowd of angry people screaming for Sikes’ blood, holding torches aloft like a crazed lynch mob. This ‘hue and cry’ of gentlemen, policemen, thieves and citizens of all kind all share a hatred and loathing of Sikes and what he has done. The way Dickens describes this scene is superb. When reading I could hear the shouts and screams of the crowd, feel the heat of the torches and feel Sikes’ fright: â€Å"†¦ a waving crowd in the outer darkness like a field of corn moved by an angry storm!† is probably one of the best pieces of description he uses and it really does make you feel the sense of chaos and vengeance that spurs on this ‘hue and cry. The satisfaction that it gives the reader when Sikes accidentally kills himself is enormous. In his efforts to escape he ties a rope around his waist and falls 40 feet as it moves to his neck and hangs him. Sikes dies in more agony than anyone else in either novel; not from pain, but fear. In the time he falls, his body experiences sensory overload; a panic and fear so great it is enough to kill a man on its own. He falls towards the crowd of flames and symbolically hell, the complete antithesis of the deaths of Nancy and Curley’s wife. Hanging would also have greatly contented the puritan population of Victorian England as hanging was the accepted capital punishment of the period, perfect for Sikes. To eradicate completely any emotion for Sikes his loyal dog also jumps for his master, smashing its head on the ground below. Any empathy we may have is transferred to Bullseye. This is probably the most dramatic of the entire novel. If one scene in ‘Of Mice and Men’ could match the pure drama and tension of Sikes’ death it would have to be the final chapter – Lennies death. The build up of tension in the scene is literal genius. When George produced Carlson’s’ Lugar I was on the edge of my seat right up until the end of the novel. Sikes’ death had to be quick to give a real sense for the excitement of the chase. Lennies death had to be draw out and milked for all it is worth, not solely for tension, but to give a character we have become so familiar with and very fond of, a memorable and proper send off. Thanks to George’s skill with words and his love for him, Lennie could not be more content when he dies. The last thing I wanted was for Lennie to die, but it is inevitable. I found myself sating ‘don’t do it George,’ but it is much better that he dies like this than face the men from the ranch. He must die; he cannot go on being tortured by what he has done. Lennie’s death shares some similarities to Curley’s wife’s; they both die quickly and painlessly and like Curley’s wife his soul is take to heaven. The gunshot rolling up the heavenly hills of Salinas makes you feel that Lennie has been released. To summarise, these to classic novels have many things in common, but also sharply contrast each other. It’s this that makes comparing the two so fascinating, as you new things they share and interesting differences every time you read them. It seems strange, but pleasing that two such comparable novels could come from different centuries, different, different countries, but share the same messages and morals.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Selective Mutism

Selective mutism is an acquired disorder, in which a child is capable of speaking, and does so in many instances, but fails to speak in select situations where communication will typically occur. (Baldwin, 1994) This behavior is most often observed when young children are put into new situations such as meeting a stranger or a speech clinic. (Cleator & Hand, 2002) Selective mutism implies that a child suffering from this disorder does not choose to be silent, but rather become mute in situations that cause him/her to be anxious. (Cummings-Stegbauer, 2002) One of the most important aspects of defining this disorder is that the failure to speak is not due to the child’s lack of knowledge of spoken language or a communication disorder, but rather the psychological aspects of socialization. (8) Tramer initially labeled the disorder â€Å"elective mutism† in 1934, a term that is still used outside of North America, and it was viewed as a defiant behavior to overprotective and/or controlling parent(s). (McInnes et al., 2004) In 1994, American Psychiatric Association, renamed the disorder â€Å"Selective Mutism† since the title was more appropriate for emphasizing that a child becomes mute in select social situations that cause anxiety and not when he/she chooses not to communicate.(McInnes et al., 2004) When exposed to new situations or overcoming a traumatic episode children often go through a phase of adjustment, where they may not speak for some period of time. (Baldwin, 1994) This will not be termed selective mutism because of its course of development and etiology is different and will be managed in another way. (Baldwin, 1994) Children whom are selectively mute do not spend their day in silence; they tend to speak within the home with some or all family members, but fail to speak with those outside the home. (Cummings-Stegbauer, 2002) Some children will not speak to any child outside their home while others will pick a select few c... Free Essays on Selective Mutism Free Essays on Selective Mutism Selective mutism is an acquired disorder, in which a child is capable of speaking, and does so in many instances, but fails to speak in select situations where communication will typically occur. (Baldwin, 1994) This behavior is most often observed when young children are put into new situations such as meeting a stranger or a speech clinic. (Cleator & Hand, 2002) Selective mutism implies that a child suffering from this disorder does not choose to be silent, but rather become mute in situations that cause him/her to be anxious. (Cummings-Stegbauer, 2002) One of the most important aspects of defining this disorder is that the failure to speak is not due to the child’s lack of knowledge of spoken language or a communication disorder, but rather the psychological aspects of socialization. (8) Tramer initially labeled the disorder â€Å"elective mutism† in 1934, a term that is still used outside of North America, and it was viewed as a defiant behavior to overprotective and/or controlling parent(s). (McInnes et al., 2004) In 1994, American Psychiatric Association, renamed the disorder â€Å"Selective Mutism† since the title was more appropriate for emphasizing that a child becomes mute in select social situations that cause anxiety and not when he/she chooses not to communicate.(McInnes et al., 2004) When exposed to new situations or overcoming a traumatic episode children often go through a phase of adjustment, where they may not speak for some period of time. (Baldwin, 1994) This will not be termed selective mutism because of its course of development and etiology is different and will be managed in another way. (Baldwin, 1994) Children whom are selectively mute do not spend their day in silence; they tend to speak within the home with some or all family members, but fail to speak with those outside the home. (Cummings-Stegbauer, 2002) Some children will not speak to any child outside their home while others will pick a select few c...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Unveiling the Unknown This essay is a persuasive essay for English class concerning space exploration and reasons in which to do so.

Unveiling the Unknown This essay is a persuasive essay for English class concerning space exploration and reasons in which to do so. Some of Life's greatest questions have always been "Who are we?" "Why are we here?" and "Where are we going?" In a lifetime, most of us will probably never discover the answers to these questions. Many people use God as an outlet for answers to the questions they cannot explain themselves. Whether you believe in God or not, you are never going to truly know if he exists until death. That's why re-focusing our efforts on space exploration is the key to understanding everything going on around us. Space is out there waiting for us to reveal its mysterious secrets. Earth's future depends on space exploration. Life on Earth is beginning to wear away, and if we want to do something about it we must find new solutions.Perhaps the most important reason why human beings should focus on space exploration is because of the lack of natural resources on Earth.English: Artist's rendering of a Mars Exploration ...Someday we will run out of resources and it will be too late to find other solutions to our problems. That's why we have to study different ways of creating resources, so in the future we will have numerous ways of solving our problems. Asteroids have many minerals that aren't found on Earth. If we found out a way to drill asteroids and bring the minerals back to Earth's surface, we could make up for whatever we ran out of. Another possibility to drilling is we may find new minerals that can be used in the industrial field. Hematite, magnetite, and taconite are all minerals that can be found on Mars and the moon. When Earth's minerals become scarce we can use minerals other planets have to offer. These minerals can be useful for making steel, automobiles, and other types of transportation.Another reason why space...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Entrepreneur interview & Personal Analysis Essay

Entrepreneur interview & Personal Analysis - Essay Example A decision maker, leader, communicator and a good team player is what an entrepreneur is. This paper provides an analysis of the personality of a small business entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial Interview This paper deals with analyzing and conducting the reflective study of the small business entrepreneurs. The interview conducted here reflects upon the background, motivating factors and personalities of the businessmen. The survey questionnaire contains 15 questions which are aimed upon discovering the personality traits and capacities. The survey has been conducted with the owner of fashion boutique, Ellen Sandry. Ellen has been a successful entrepreneur for a few months and has been really successful in quite a short time. Fashion industry has motivated him a lot and considering the interests, the interview responses have been analyzed below: What is you educational background? Ellen has studied fashion designing at a reputable institute and this education aroused interest in pursuin g the field of fashion as his personal career. Besides interest, Ellen feels that the scope of fashion industry has gained great heights in the present era and thus, it would be a good initiative to take up. What have your previous experiences been? The entrepreneur’s response to this question was amazing as he mentioned many experiences that he has been through recently. He has taught, worked as a steward at a hotel and interned at a local bank for a while. Later on, his professional enthusiasm compelled him to start his own business. How did you get into this business? In reply, Ellen mentioned that his interest brought him into this business. He had a passion for colors, beauty and money. Thus, this capacity seemed to be suitable. How many employees do you have? Ellen has only two people who look into his business. He calls them his helpers and pays them a good salary at the end of every month. They manage his boutique on a daily basis and even stay overtime and help Ellen wind up the necessary tasks. How do you finance your business? Ellen mentioned that he already had enough capital at the time of initiation of his business. Besides this, he takes small loans from the financial institutions and invests them into business. What have been the major challenges that you have countered while initiating and managing the business? Ellen Sandry has been a successful owner of a small boutique and earns good profits every month. According to him, it is necessary to take risks and accept challenges with good entrepreneurial skills. During the starting up of his fashion boutique, he had to counter the shortages of finance, skilled labor, and inventory. Moreover, decision-making was an area where he was not much confident. Besides this, arranging for a considerably sophisticated infrastructure also became a problem which he quickly managed with the help of his own skills. Do you take social and environmental factors into consideration? To this Ellen replied tha t while starting up his boutique, he assured that it will not create any negative externalities for the society. He took care of all the security standards, societal costs, and made sure that the environment is not affected from the existence of his business in any way. How does the economic environment impact your business? The economic booms and depressions impact all the businesses and similarly,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

International Relations - Essay Example Similarly IGOs strive to enhance international relations and cooperation while NGOs try to deliver developmental aids to their beneficiaries. The ultimate goal of an NGO is to enhance sustainable development whereas an IGO’s mission is to promote human rights and to support socio-economic development. The fundamental point of distinction is that IGOs may include governments when NGOs may not2. 2. ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ is an economic theory developed by Garrett Hardin. The theory states that individuals who act independently according to their self interests normally behave contrary to the long term interests of the whole group by depleting common resources whose demand is overwhelming the supply3. More simply, ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ can be simply referred to an economic problem where every individual tries to best exploit a given resource. When the demand for this particular resource overwhelms the supply, individuals who consume an extra unit directly act against the interests of other people who have no longer access to the benefits. This economic problem occurs when individuals ignore the wellbeing of the whole society in an attempt to entertain their personal interests. This economic theory is often linked to sustainable development and global warming as they are related to the exploitation of resources by humans in pursuit of th eir personal gains. Oceans, atmosphere, national parks, and fish stocks are some of the examples of ‘commons’. 3. According to some experts, human rights represent moral principles that define specific standards of human behavior despite cultural or national differences4. Human rights are considered as legal rights across the globe and particularly protected under national and international law. These rights belong to all people simply because they are humans. It is possible to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Psychology Topic is Genes and aging and Gottlieb contribution to this Essay

Psychology Topic is Genes and aging and Gottlieb contribution to this - Essay Example The process of aging has engaged the attention of people from time immemorial. People in the past generally did not include as a scholastic subject of inquiry. It was so obvious a facet of life that in the past people generally accepted it as a reality with which they have to cope up with. However, the desire to prolong life was very popular and a marketable thing, many charlatans and quakes occupied the field and various potions for prolonging life appeared in the market. Initially serious scientists did not venture to study the phenomenon for fear they will be mistaken to be a pseudo scholar. With the microscopic study of cell and genetics growing as an important subject aided by technology, aging also came to be studied. The role of genes in aging has been a forgone conclusion. But the insight into the importance of environment- interface in shedding light on development is one of the major thrust areas of Gottlieb's study. The present study is an examination of his contribution t o the process aging. Aging is the major hurdle to the quality of human life in affluent communities. The study of senescence can prolong human life, preserve health, prevent age related diseases and even might cure aging. Aging is assuming the dimension of a worldwide social and economic problem. However, some scientists feel this area should get more priority and funding (Miller, 2005). The study of senescence, while it is part of the global quest to address this problem facing humanity, is also a dream of achieving the experience of an infinite universe. What is aging Aging came under the purview of scientific enquiry only in the early part of the present century. We are all aware of aging in humans from our earliest years, through normal, daily contacts with family members, neighbors, and others who have reached an advanced age. Perhaps because aging seems such an intuitively obvious phenomenon, it was quite late in becoming an object of formal study (Clark, 2002, p. 3) However there has been, over the centuries, an ardent attempt to unearth the magic elixir that would prolong life or even confer immortality. The process of aging was so obviously present in the conscious mind that no one thought it worth the trouble to go in depth to study what aging is. Aging has many external visible signs, as well as the changes in the mind and in the molecular level. The external changes also psychologically impact the person as he or she becomes aware that time is approaching for saying adieu. There are also degenerative changes associated with age, which are the results of alterations in the cardiovascular system. Humans also are under higher risk from external sources due to the slow collapse of the autoimmune system of the body. The reproductive capacity also diminishes along with aging and in the female this process sets in faster than in the male. In fact there are a spectrum of changes associated with old age but there is no uniform pattern of occurrence for all humans nor is there any fixed time when aging sets in all people. Some people are old at forty but there are septuagenarians who are fit as a fiddle. In some, mental faculties are impaired with age while bodies remain

Monday, October 28, 2019

National Buy Nothing Day Essay Example for Free

National Buy Nothing Day Essay ​A hard-working, single mother receives her pay-check that to her horror reads a measly $225.30. She doesnt use the money for her, instead she uses that money to care for her two children, she needs to pay the rent, and the electricity but her kids need food to grow. As she heads to the bank to cash the check she passes the neighborhood local store and no cars are outside and the light are dim. Nothing comes to her mind as to what seems different, she proceeds to head over to the bank, and notices that there is no clerks and no long lines? So many things run through her mind so she parks her beat-down car, that clanks and rattles. As she becomes even more worried there is a bright white paper that reads, Due to the over-consumption rates, the government has issued a National Buy Nothing Day, we are sorry for any inconviences. Her world is instantly shut down and she becomes scared as to how she is going to feed her children. This is exactly what I fear will happen if a National Buy Nothing Day is issued, so in my opinion, a National Buy Nothing Day would be a bad idea. ​A National Buy Nothing Day would become a huge inconvenience to many people over the world. Many people in the United States work minimum wage jobs and have a family to care for. 75% of the population works pay check to pay check just to give the basics to their family, and majority of the money is spent on food that they hope will last them the whole month until they are paid again. Sadly, more times than you would like to see parents unhealthy and always tired because they put their children before themselves, and what if the National Buy Nothing Day just so happened to fall on pay day. The heartbreak that would radiate from the couple, and the worry that rushes through their mind as to how they are going to feed their kids tonight and when t hey are going to be able to come back and cash that paycheck? Now that the parents view is shown, imagine the reaction of the kids that come home and see that there is no food on the table and the have to be told from their parents tha t they have to go to sleep hungry tonight. Thats heartbreaking for anybody, and everybody. ​Along with an inconvenience to many Americans, a National Buy Nothing Day would hurt the life of a teenager, very significantly. Teenagers  are the main percentage of individuals that add to the rate of over-consumption. Even though they are the big spenders in this era, they often rely on the quick stops to help them proceed with their school day. 8 out of 10 teenagers have a car in high school and with having a car comes a huge cash flow. Many teens can barely wake up in time to go to school and this often leads to them not eating, and scientists have proven that this can greatly affect their performance with anything they do in the day. So they make a quick stop at either McDonalds, or in New Mexico Blakes Lotaburger for a quick burrito, so they can eat something to fuel their bodies for the day. High school athletes rely on eating more than anyone, because they need that fuel to burn off, either at their zero-hour basketball practices or their afternoon football practice. So, the Buy Nothing Day would send these athletes hungry to school and the only thing they will eat is their lunch, and with starting school at 7:00 and not even eating until 12:00, thats a 5 hour long span of lacking concentration in class. ​Medication is more times than others bought on a daily for many individuals with medical problems and the vast majority of this is children. 30% of individuals die annually because of lack to medications that can save them, and 10% of them are children. Thats almost half the percentage! Children are more venerable to illnesses and harsh sickness than adults due to the fact that their bodies are still developing. What if on the National Buy Nothing Day that one child that has for instance, epilepsy, runs out his precious medication that prevents seizures. At any moment in the day he could experience pain in their head and in a blink of an eye, they are having a seizure. On the daily, 2/3 children die a day from seizures and helpful medication prevents this from ever happening. How must it feel for a mother to know that you cant go and buy your child medication because the government just shut down all stores for a day that may open the eyes to consumers? Anxiety that passes th rough mother knowing their child is at any time vulnerable to a life-taking illness. ​Of course, many feel differently. One argument cited by many others is that a National Buy Nothing Day would open the over spending ways of many Americans. Yes, maybe this all we need to open our eyes but would just like other events that were supposed to help us, more times than others we just go back to our old ways. Like for instance, in the time of The Great Dust Bowl, Farmers were  plowing heir fields non-stop and destroying the once fertile land. Then once the Dust Bowl came wiping out anything that was in its way, Farmers soon realized that their ways were in desperate need of reform, but what happened again? Farmers were back to their old ways and doing what they just did before. Its the mind of the American people that determine everything we do. Now should it be the governments job to show us our wrongs? Why no! We can say were going to change but do we ever really do? For a national objective to work, everyone has to consent to it. ​Although a National Buy Nothing would open the eyes of many consu mers everywhere, it can greatly impact others in different ways. Like the mother who cant find a way to feed her beautiful, small bundles of joy, or the teenager that cant buy his breakfast for the day, more negatives aspects come out of this than the good.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

External Macro Environment Factors

External Macro Environment Factors Human Resource Management (HRM) according to Boxall and Purcell (2003:1) are the actions which involve the management of employment relationships in the firm. The modern world of business is changing rapidly in its attempt to gain and maintain a competitive edge. Business is operating in an environment affected by macro environmental factors ranging from Technology to Legislation and Globalization. These factors and many others are causing business to re-evaluate itself, both internally as well as externally. Structures are becoming flatter and decentralization is taking place as organizations attempt to remain competitive, survive and grow. The macro environment which is the main concern in this essay, are factors like political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal environment (PESTLE) that can influence an organisation but are out of the organisations control. It is very important for HR practitioners to monitor the external macro environment since it can great ly make or unmake their businesses. This can be seen on the social changes technological advancement on workforce and HR policies in the last 10 years. In this essay, an elaborated definition of the external macro environment is well explained. Also, explanations of why it is necessary for HR practitioners to monitor the external macro environment , with reference to relevant academic theory is done. Also an illustration of how technological advancement and social change has affected the workforce and HR policies in the last 10 years is detailed out. The essay is then Concluded and bibliography cited as well. The marketing environment surrounds and impact activities carried out in the organisation. There are three key perspective on the marketing environment which involves the internal environment, the micro environment and the macro environment as shown on the diagram below. There are three key perspective on the business environment which involves the internal environment, the micro environment and the macro environment according to Kotler et al (2009). The micro environment influence the organisation directly and it includes the consumers, customers, suppliers, new entrants and competitors. All factors like men, money, machines, materials and market that are internal to the organisation are known as the internal environment. The external macro environment involves all those factors ranging from the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal environment also known as the (PESTLE factor) that affects the organisation uncontrollably, influences the organisations decisions and affects its performance and strategies. These macro factors are continually changing and the company has to be flexible enough to adapt to it. Looking at the political factors affecting a business, it involves factors like initiatives, grants and funding offered by the government, wars, government relationships with other countries, taxation policies, the goods and services the government produces, the health of the nation and the quality of the infrastructure of the economy such as the road and rail system. As such the degree of government intervention in the economy will affect companies operating in it. Thus the political atmosphere of a country should be checked before the establishment of a business. Economic factors includes interest rates, taxation changes, economic growth, inflation, loan access, unemployment, government spending consumer spending and exchange rates that affects the organisation. Using the economic factors to analyse a business scenario, a higher interest rates may deter investment because it costs more to borrow. Also, inflation may provoke higher wage demands from employees and raise costs. Also, a higher national income growth may boost demand for a firms products.   Social factors involves religious differences, ethics, lifestyle of the people, demographic changes, education and culture.  For example, changes in social trends can impact on the demand for a firms products and the availability and willingness of individuals to work. In the UK, for example, the population has been ageing. This has increased the costs for firms who are committed to pension payments for their employees because their staff are living longer. Technological factors involves the amount of research funding in the country, consumer purchasing power, technological advancement/ innovation, intellectual property and copy right infringement. For example Bar coding, online shopping, and new computer designs are all new technological development in the way companies do business due to the advancement in technology. Environmental factors involves a countries weather and climate change, the level of pollution, recycling considerations, legislative changes both current and future. Climatic changes can affect companies in the country. With the changes of global climates experienced today due to global warming, firms make this external factor a significant issue of considerations when expanding their businesses internationally Legal factors are factors like  safety, competition, health, future legislation, trading policies and regulatory bodies which relates to the legal environment in which firms operate. In recent years in the UK for example, there has been many significant legal changes that have affected firms behaviour like in areas like age discrimination and disability discrimination legislation and wages. HR practitioners have to carry out a PESTLE scan of the macro environment where the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental aspects of the business would be scanned properly. This is done in order to caution the HR practitioners on how changes in their external macro environment will impact the organisations activities. The external analysis of the macro environment has both micro and macro focus. At the level of the micro trend, HR practitioners should monitor suppliers, the strength of their competitors, labour supplies and the demographic population. At the level of the macro trend, HR practitioners should monitor the market forecast, technological trends, labour market forecast and trends in public sector employment and political atmosphere of the country. Also, the reason why HR practitioners scan the macro environment is to identify and analyse possible opportunities and threats of the industry as a whole that are outside the control of the industry using the opportunity and threat analysis (SWOT) analysis. The opportunities identifies the environmental characteristics that can help the organisation succeed and the threats identifies environmental characteristics that can prevents the organisation from being successful. As such, with the opportunity and threat analysis, HR practitioners are able to develop a corporate, business and functional level strategy. With the corporate level strategy, the organisation lays a plan action to manage the growth and development of the firm hence profit maximisation in the long run. With the business level strategy, the organisations find ways to counters its threats so as to compete effectively and with the functional level strategy, the HR practitioners establish a plan of action to improve its d epartments so as to create value. All these increases profits and the survival of the organisation. In addition, monitoring the external macro environment will assist the HR practitioner on how to recruit, retain, and develop the workforce they need. As such, HR practitioners are able to carry out their four main functions which are; the acquisition function, development function, motivation function and maintenance function. As such knowing the PESTLE environment will assist them to understand the policies, salaries, culture, educational levels of the potential employees in the country they operate. Once a sound external analysis is conducted, it can be reviewed and updated as part of the planning cycle to identify any significant changes in the environment. Also, looking at the social trends, HR practitioner monitor the external environment in order to know more about the culture of its employees. Trompenaars and Turner (1997) defines culture as the way in which a group of people live, solves problem and reconcile dilemmas. He also postulated seven dimension of culture that relates to relationships with people and their working environment. Also, Arnold et al cited in Handy (1986) pointing out that A strong culture makes a strong organisation and not all culture suits all purposes or people. As such it is necessary for HR practitioners to study their external environment so as to blend the organisations culture with that of its employees in order to create a good working atmosphere in the organisation. Thus resolving cultural differences will bring in team work and group cohesiveness. Furthermore, according to Devanna et al (1984), scanning the external environment assist HR practitioners to fit their HRM policies, practices and strategies in its competitive environment with the immediate business conditions that it faces as shown on the diagram below. The Matching model. As such, informations from the external environment assist HR practitioners to establish a proper mission and strategy, organisational structure and also enables human resource management policies to be used in their organisations based in different countries. The external environment has a major impact on the companies activities and decisions. More often than not, these forces are beyond the control of an organization and its managers. Though non-controllable, these forces require a response in order to keep positive actions with the targeted markets. Thus HR practitioners scan their external environment so that they can respond profitably to unmet needs and trends in the targeted markets. Linked to the above, accordingly, the factors of the environment will need to be considered as inputs in the planning and forecasting models developed by an organization.  Disturbances in the environment may spell profound threats or new opportunities thus the supervision helps HR practitioners to monitor and adapt to the environment if it is to survive and prosper. They thus identify, evaluate and react to the forces triggered by the external environment so as to make profits and survive in the long run. Furthermore, the knowledge gotten from the scanning of the external environment by HR practitioners assist them in gathering informations based on both government and private laws affecting the industry. Laws like rigid government laws in some countries that might affect their investments where by business may be doomed to be non starters due to business restrictions imposed by the government are determined before establishing a business. Also, cost of recruitment and standards in different from one country to another. More so, the availability of key inputs like trained managers, skilled labour, raw material are all impacted by the external environment. As such, monitoring the external environment enables HR practitioners to gather necessary informations which can affect their businesses. Until about twenty years ago, the world of work was an unfortunate place. Change of all kind was slow and non existence. Products had long life cycle, organisations were characterised by long control/ universally applied rule and technological innovations and inventions were pretty slow. In the last ten years technological advancement and social change has affected the workforce and HR policies. Looking at the way technological advancement has affected the workforce, in the past ten years, technological advancement has made globalisation possible amongst employees. Technological innovations in areas like learning and development, telecommunications, computers, satellite system have made it possible for information and innovation to rapidly cross national boundaries in between employees. More so, with technological advancement and the advent of new machines, there has been division of labour within employees hence creating higher quality products, just in time delivery and greater customization of products. In addition, Robinson (2006) pointed out that, within the past ten years in Britain for example, the amount of people employed in the manufacturing sector reduced by a half. Also there has been a decline in skilled and semi skilled manual jobs due to the rise in the creation of machines. The workforce nowadays is highly segmented and job length vary between the skilled and semi skilled jobs. Technological advancement has also affected HR policies in that Decades ago, HR management was autocratic in nature, employee made no decisions in the organisation. Organisational culture was hostile and employees didnt care about career advancement/ promotion opportunities since they were satisfied with their jobs. But in the past ten years, technological advancement has caused the establishment of new policies in order to work hand in hand with the growth. There has been a radical organisational restructuring programmes evidenced in de-layering, downsizing and decentralized. Also, with the advent of technology, HR practitioners keep restructuring new policies in terms of employing on a permanent basis and also offering career advancements in the form of training, development and promotion to employees as pointed out by Robinson (2006). Social change has affected workforce in that, in the past, men were employed most in organisation due to the increasing use of manual labour and physical power. But within the last ten years, there has been a steady increase in the participation of women in the labour force. Robinson (2006) analysed that there has been a rising level of divorce and single parents has lead to the provision of social welfare, health and educational services by HR practitioners. Social change has also affected HR policies in that, organisation in the past faced difficulties of dealing with cultural differences. Going international was very difficult due to the cultural barriers and differences. Within the past ten years, cultural policies have been instituted in order to deal with cultural conflicts in organisations. Organisations find it very easy to go international due to laid down policies, training and care giving to their expatriate employees. Also, HR policies have been adapted to satisfy consumers as customers have greater choice and power to influence purchase Boxall and Purcell (2003). As such, employees receive training in aspects like offering better customer care and services to consumers. All these has lead to increase profitability and survival of organisations. The external Macro environment also Known as the PESTLE environment consists of trends and forces which might not instantly influence the relations that a company has with its clients, suppliers and mediators, but afterward, macro-environmental changes will modify the nature of these relations. As explained above, it is very necessary for HR practitioners to monitor these macro external factors so as to foresee and manage any future impact it might have on the companies activities. Also, looking at the changes in technology and social change on workforce and HR policies in the past ten years, HR practitioners have adapted themselves to this changes by implementing new policies, strategies, rule and regulations to adapt their businesses to these uncontrollable factors.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The History of KKK Essay -- Ku Klux Klan American History Papers

The History of KKK Ku Klux Klan is a designation mainly given to two distinct secret societies that played a part in American history, although other less important groups have also used the name. The first Ku Klux Klan was an organization that thrived in the South during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. The second was a nationwide organization that flourished after World War I. The original Klan - Six college students founded the Ku Klux Klan between December 1865 and the summer of 1866 in the town of Pulaski, Tennessee. Former Confederate officers, the six young men organized as a social club or fraternity and spent their time in horseplay of various types, including wearing disguises and galloping about town after dark. They were surprised to learn that their nightly appearances were causing fear, particularly among former slaves in the area. They quickly took advantage of this effect and the group began a rapid expansion. Various factions formed in different towns, which led to a meeting in April 1867 to codify rules and organizational structure. At this meeting, former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was elected Grand Wizard, or supreme leader, of all the Klan. The organization was divided into a number of realms, dominions, provinces and dens, which were in turn led by Grand Dragons, Titans, Giants and Cyclopes. Nathan Bedford Forrest The policies of Reconstruction (aiming to extend the rights of Southern blacks) had the unintended effect of pushing hundreds of resentful and anxious veterans into the Klan, which soon began instituting a systematic policy of violence in opposition... ...tion of everyone but themselves but they have put a lot towards making todays world a racist place. They have mentally disturbed peoples lives and terrorized villages by burning down their churches. Although the modern Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, is not the same group that terrorized African - Americans in the late 1800s and early 1900s, they still have the same basic goals and ideas. There are many local and regional KKK groups such as the Oregon Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the New Order Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is the national and largest organization, but the only one seeking a political agenda. They are the group that claims they are keeping alive the spirit and ideas of the original Klansmen but there are only a few thousand left as we think but it’s a very secret society.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Engineering Drawing Short Questions

Define engineering drawing. Why drawing is called universal language of engineers? Ans1:-A drawing drawn by an engineer having engineering knowledge for the drawing purposes is an engineering drawing. It is meant for communicating his ideas, thoughts and designs to others. Engineering drawing is a starting point of all engineering branches such as Mechanical, Production, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Computer science, Chemical etc. It is spoken, read, and written in its own way.Engineering drawing has its own grammar in the theory of projections, its idioms in conventional practices, its punctuations in the types of lines, its abbreviations, symbols and its descriptions in the constructions. Q2 – Name different types of drawing instruments. Ans2 – Drawing board, T-square, Set Square, Scales, Pencil and sand paper block, Drawing pins or cello-tape, Duster or handkerchief, eraser etc. Q3 – Why pencil is rotated in finger while drawing a long line? Ans3 – T he pencil is rotated in finger while drawing a long line in order to get a line of uniform thickness throughout.Q4 – How will you test the set square and T-square? Ans4 – Testing of T-square – (i) Check all screw heads and tighten, if necessary (ii) In order to check the T-square, first of all draw a horizontal line. Now reverse the T-square and again draw a horizontal line with working edge. If both the lines coincide with each other, then the working edge of Tsquare is alright. If there is a difference in two lines, then working edge is not correct and the line gives twice the error of the working edge. This error should be rectified by scraping the edge with a scraper or a sharp knife.Testing of set-squares – The straightness of edges of the set-square can be checked by drawing a vertical line. Then reverse the set-square and draw again vertical line. If there is any difference between the two vertical lines then working edge is not correct and the lin e gives twice the error. This error can be removed by straightening the edges by means of a scraper or sand paper. Q5 – What are the standard sizes of drawing sheets according to I. S. I. and which is suitable for drawing work? Ans5 – The standard size of sheets according to I. S. I. are A0(1189 X 841), A1 841 X 594), A2(594 X 420), A3(420 X 297), A4(297 X 210) and A5(210 X 148). Drawing sheet of size 594 X 420 i. e. A2 size is generally used by engineering students as it is very handy and easy for drawing work in class. Q6 – What are the ways of sharpening a pencil for good and accurate work and which type of pencil is more suitable for drawing work? Ans6 – There are two ways of sharpening a pencil (i) a small piece of sand paper of zero grade, pasted upon a piece of wood. (ii) Sharpeners. Usually hard pencils such as H, 2H etc are used for making the engineering drawing.Q7 – Why cello-tape is used instead of drawing pins, now a day? Ans7 – Now a days, cello tapes are used in place of drawing pins for its practical convenience as the drafter, Tsquare and set-squares can be moved easily over the tape. Q8 – What is layout of drawing sheet? Ans8 – The selection of suitable scale and allotment of proper space for margin, title block, parts list, revision panel, folding marks etc. on the drawing sheet is known as layout of drawing sheet. Q9 – Why is the layout of sheet is necessary? Ans9 – Layout of the drawing on the drawing sheet is necessary in order to make its reading easy and speedy.The title blocks, parts list etc will provide all the required information. Q10 – List out the contents of title block and material list Ans10 – The title block should contain at least the following informations. (i) Name of the institution (ii) Name of title of drawing (iii) Name, Class and Roll no. of the student (iv) Scale (v) Drawing number (vi) Symbols denoting the method of projection Q11 â €“ What is the necessity of folding a drawing print? Ans11 – Folding marks are made on the sheet to facilitate folding of prints for the purposes of filing and binding in the proper and easy manner.Q12 – What do you mean by convention or code? Ans12 – The representation of any matter by some sign or mark on the drawing is known as convention or code. The conventions make the drawing simple and easy to draw. Q13 – What do you understand by thickness of lines? Ans13 – There are three distinct thickness of lines used in engineering drawing. These lines are specified as thick, medium and thin lines. The line specified as thick is usually 3 times thicker and the line specified as medium is 2 times thicker than a thin line. Q14 – Where and why a cutting plane is drawn in a drawing?Ans14 – The section plane are generally perpendicular planes. The projection of a section plane, to which it is perpendicular, is a straight line. This line w ill be parallel, perpendicular or inclined to the x-y line. The cutting plane is drawn in a drawing to show the inner details of an object. Q15 – What is the necessity of convention breaks and convention of materials? Ans15 – Long members of uniform cross-section such as rods, shafts, pipes etc. are generally shown in the middle by the conventional breaks so as to accommodate their view of whole length on the drawing sheet without reducing the scale.The exact length of the member is shown by the dimension. Q16 – Why the conventional representation of common features are adopted on the drawing? Ans16 – The conventional representation of common features are adopted on the drawing to save the unnecessary time or space on the drawing. Q17 – What are the main requirements of lettering? Ans17:- 1) The knowledge of shape and proportion of each letter. 2) The knowledge of the order and direction of the strokes used in making letters. 3) The knowledge of th e general composition of letters. 4) The knowledge of rules for combining letters into words and words into sentences.Q18 – What is lettering? Ans18 – The art of writing the alphabets A, B, C,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Z and numbers such as 1, 2, 3†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦0 etc. is known as lettering. Q19 – What do you mean by composition of letters? Ans19 – The composition means the composing of letters into words and words into sentences. The letters are so arranged that the open area between two letters of a word appears equal to the eye judgement. Q20 – What do you mean by uniformity of letters? Ans20 – The uniformity of lettering means keeping the height, inclination, spacing and strength of letters to be same. It is very essential for good lettering in engineering drawing.Q21 – What do you mean by normal, compressed and extended lettering? Ans21 – Normal lettering: – The normal lettering have normal height and width and are used for gen eral purposes. The width of the normal letter is about 0. 67 times of the height of the letter. Compressed lettering: – The compressed lettering are those which are written in the narrow space. These are used when the space is limited. The widths of the condensed letters are less than height. Extended lettering: – The extended lettering are those which are wider than noramal letters but of the same height.Q22 – What are the guidelines and why they are necessary in lettering? Ans22:- The lines which are used to regulate the height and inclination to the letters and numerals are known as guidelines. These are to be drawn at random. The guidelines are used to regulate the uniformity of the letters. Q23 – What do you mean by single stroke letters? Ans 23:- Single stroke letters means that the thickness of the line of the letter should be such as is obtained in one stroke of the pencil. Single stroke letters are of two types. 1) Vertical 2) Inclined (75deg. Wi th horizontal) Q24 – What is the gothic and roman lettering?Ans24 – Gothic lettering – The lettering in which all the alphabets are of uniform width or thickness is known as gothic lettering. It can be divided into following groups. (i) Vertical or Upright vertical gothic lettering (ii) Inclined or Italic gothic lettering Roman lettering – The lettering in which all the alphabets are composed of thick and thin elements is known as roman lettering and can either be vertical or inclined. Q25 – What do you mean by freehand lettering? Ans25 – The art of writing the alphabets without the use of drawing instrument is called freehand lettering. The freehand lettering is of the following types. a) Vertical or upright freehand gothic lettering. (i) Single stroke vertical freehand gothic lettering. (ii) Lowercase vertical freehand gothic lettering. (b) Inclined or italic freehand gothic lettering. (iii) Single stroke italic freehand gothic lettering. (iv) Lower case italic freehand gothic lettering. Q26 – What should be the grade of pencil used for lettering? Ans26 – HB and H grade pencils sharpened to a conical point should be used for lettering. To keep the stroke of the letters uniform, the pencils should be rotated between the thumb and fingers while lettering. Hard pencils such as 2H or 3H should be used to draw guidelines.Q27 – What is the importance of dimensioning? Ans27:-1) Dimensioning expresses all the sizes and other information necessary to define the object. 2) It must be done with due regard to manufacturing processes and inspection requirements. 3) The dimensioning also includes expression of tolerances necessary for the correct functioning of the part given to be assembled. Q28 – What is dimensioning? Ans28 – The art of writing the various sizes or measurements on the finished drawing of an object is known as dimensioning. Q29 – What do you understand by the term notatio n of dimensioning? Ans29 –The notation of dimensioning consists of dimension lines, extension lines, arrow heads, dimension figures, notes, symbols etc. Q30 – What is a leader or pointer line? How a leader should be drawn? Ans30 – A leader is a thin continuous line drawn from note of the figure to show where it applies. It is terminated by an arrow head or a dot. The arrow head touches the outline, whereas the dot is placed within the outline of the object. The leader is generally drawn at any convenient angle, usually 30? , 45? , and 60? but not less than 30?. Q31 – Explain with the help of a simple sketch (i) size dimensions (ii) location dimensions.Ans31 – Size dimension – The dimensions which indicate the various sizes of the object such as length, breadth, diameter etc. are known as size dimensions. These dimensions are represented by letter ‘S’. Figure. Location dimension – The dimensions which locate the position o f one feature w. r. t. the other feature are known as location dimensions. Distances between the centre lines of the holes from the edges are given by location dimensions. These dimensions are marked by letter ‘L’. Figure. Q32 – What are the aligned system and unidirectional system of dimensioning? OrWhat are the different methods of dimensioning? Ans32:-1) Aligned Method: – In aligned system, the dimensions shall be placed parallel to and above the dimension lines, preferably in the middle and not by interrupting the dimension lines. Here the dimensions can be read from the bottom or from the right side of the drawing. Figure. 2) Unidirectional Method: – In this system dimensions shall be horizontally placed so that they can be read from the bottom of the drawing sheet. Here the dimension lines may be interrupted preferably near the middle for the insertion of dimensions. Figure.Q33 – What are the general rules of dimensioning? Ans33:-1) Eve ry dimension must be given, but no single dimension should be repeated. 2) Dimensions should be placed outside the views. 3) Avoid dimensioning to hidden lines wherever possible. 4) Dimension lines should not cross any other line of the drawing. 5) Aligned system of dimensioning is recommended. Q34 – Explain with simple sketches, the methods of dimensioning (i) circles (ii) radii (iii) angles (iv) spherical shapes (v) holes. Ans34 – Q35 – Explain with the help of sketches (i) chain dimensioning (ii) parallel dimensioning and (iii) combined dimensioning.Ans35 – Chain Dimensioning – In this system, dimensions are arranged in a straight line. Figure. Parallel dimensioning – In this arrangement, all the dimensions are given from common base line. The smaller dimensions are placed nearer the view and the larger further away so that the extension lines do not cross dimensions lines. Figure. Combined dimensioning – Combined dimensioning is t he result of the simultaneous use of chain and parallel dimensioning. Figure. Q36 – What is a scale? Ans36:-A scale is defined as the proportion by which we either reduce or increases the actual size of the object on a drawing. ) Full size scale:-The scale in which the actual measurements of the object are drawn to same size on the drawing is known as full size scale. 2) Reducing scale: – The scale in which the actual measurements of the object are reduced to some proportion is known as reducing scale. 3) Enlarging scale: – The scale in which the actual measurements of the object are increased to some proportion is known as enlarging scale. Q37 – What is the representative fraction (R. F. ) or scale factor (S. F. )? Ans37:-The ratio of the drawing size of an object to its actual size is called the Representative fraction.R. F. = Dimension of an object on sheet / Actual dimension of an object Q38 – What are the main uses of scale? Ans38 – The following are the main uses of scale in engineering practice. (i) The scales are used to prepare reduced or enlarged size drawings. (ii) The scales are used to set off dimensions. (iii) The scales are used to measure distances directly. Q39 – What are the information necessary for scale? Ans39 – To construct a scale, the following informations are necessary. (i) The representative fraction (R. F. ) of the scale. (ii) The units to be presented either in metric or British measures. iii) The maximum length of the scale. Q40 – What is difference between plane scale and diagonal scale? Ans40:-Plain Scale:-A plain scale is simply a line which is divided into a suitable number of equal parts, the first of which is further sub-divided into small parts. It is used to represent either two units or a unit and its fraction such as km and hm, m and dm, etc. Diagonal Scale:- A diagonal scale is used when very minute distances such as 0. 1 mm etc. are to be accurately measure d or when measurements are required in three units; for example dm, cm, and mm. Q41 – What is the principle of a diagonal scale?Ans41: – The principle of diagonal scale is to divide a short line into any number of equal parts by following the diagonal division’s method of construction. Q42 – What is the difference between a quadrilateral and a polygon? Ans42 – Quadrilateral – A quadrilateral is a plane figure bounded by four straight lines and containing four angles. Polygon – A polygon is a plane figure bounded by more than four straight lines and containing more than four angles. Q43 – What is the difference between a parallelogram and a rhombus? Ans43 – Parallelogram – A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which the opposite sides are equal and parallel.Rhombus – A rhombus is a quadrilateral in which all the sides are equal and the angles are not right angles. However, in this case the opposite angles ar e equal. Q44 – What is the difference between regular and irregular polygons? Ans44 – Regular polygon – A regular polygon is a plane figure in which all the sides and angles are equal. Irregular polygon – An irregular polygon is a plane figure in which all the sides and angles are not equal. Q45– Name the principal planes of projections. Ans45:-There is two planes employed for projection and are known as reference planes or principle planes of projections.These planes intersect at right angles to each other. These are 1) Vertical plane: – The plane which is vertical is called vertical plane and is denoted by V. P. Vertical plane is also known as Frontal Plane as front view is projected on this plane. 2) Horizontal plane:-The plane which is horizontal and at right angle to the V. P is called Horizontal Plane and it is denoted by H. P. Q46:- What is the principle of projection? Ans46:-If straight lines are drawn from various points on the cont ours of an object to meet a plane, the object is said to be projected on that plane.The figure formed by joining in correct sequence the points at which these lines meet the planes is called the projection of the object. Q47 – What is ground line (G. L. ) or intersection or reference line? Ans47:-The line of intersection of two principle planes of projections i. e. VP and HP is called reference or intersection or ground line and is denoted by x-y line. Q48 – What is an auxiliary view? Ans48:-The view obtained on the auxiliary plane which is parallel to the inclined surface of an object is called auxiliary view. Q49 – What do you understand by missing lines?Ans49 – The lines which are added in the given orthographic projection in order to complete the drawing of an object are called missing lines. Q50 – What do you understand by missing views? Ans50 – The view which is added in the given orthographic projections in order to complete the drawi ng of an object is called missing views. Q51 – What is a sectional view? Why sectional views are used in drawing? Ans51 – The view obtained after cutting the object in order to show the inner details by an imaginary cutting plane is known as sectional view.Sectional views are used in drawing to show the interior details of the object, which are not visible to the observer from outside. Q52 – What is a cutting plane or section plane? Ans52:- The imaginary plane by which the object is assumed to be cut is called the cutting plane or sectional plane. They may be perpendicular or parallel to one of the principle planes and either perpendicular or inclined to the other plane. These planes are represented by their traces. Q53 – What are section or hatching lines? Ans53 – The lines used to represent the material which has been cut by the cutting plane are called section lines.They are also called hatchings or crosshatchings. These are equally spaced lines inclined at 45? to the horizontal. Q54 – What do you mean by sections of solids? Ans54 – the solids which are cut by the section planes to visualize the internal constructional details of the invisible features are known as section of solids. Q55 – What is apparent section? Ans55:- The projection of the section on the plane to which it is inclined is called as apparent section. Q56 – What is true section? Ans56:- The projection of the section on a plane parallel to the plane will show the true shape of the section.Q57 – How will you classify sections of solids? Or What are the different positions of a section plane w. r. t. two reference lines? Or What are the types of sections of solids? Ans57:- 1) Section of solids obtained by horizontal planes. 2) Section of solids obtained by vertical planes. 3) Section of solids obtained by auxiliary inclined planes. 4) Section of solids obtained by auxiliary vertical planes. 5) Section of solids obtained by profile plane. Q58 – What do you understand by V. T. and H. T. of section plane? Ans58 – Horizontal trace (H. T) – H. T. of a section plane is a line in which the plane meets the H.P. Vertical trace (V. T. ) – V. T. of a section plane is a line in which the plane meets the V. P. Q59 – What do you mean by Frustum? Ans59 – When the section plane is parallel to the base plane of a cone or pyramid, it will form a frustum. Q60 – What do you mean by truncated? Ans60 – When the section plane is inclined to the base plane of a solid, it will form a truncated. Q61 – What do you understand by intersection of surfaces? Ans61 – The lines or curves which are formed when surfaces of two solids intersect with each other are known as intersection of surfaces or interpenetration of solids.Q62 – What are the lines or curve of intersection or interpenetration? Ans62:- When a solid penetrates into another solid, their surfaces meet in a line called the line or curve of intersection or interpenetration. Q63 – Give the practical applications of the intersection of surfaces or interpenetration of solids. Ans63:- It is used in (i) sheet metal shop (ii) pipe fittings (iii) boiler fittings (iv) aeroplane construction (e. g. wings, fuse lags etc. ) (v) Automobile layout works (e. g. body wheel house, chairs etc. Q64 – Name the methods of plotting the lines of intersection or inter-penetration of solids? Ans64:- 1) Line method or piercing point method 2) Cutting plane method Q65:- How will you classify the intersecting surfaces? Ans65:-1) the intersection of plane surfaces 2) The intersection of two curved surfaces 3) The intersection of a plane surface and a curved surface Q66 – What do you mean by development of surfaces? Ans66:- A layout of the complete surface of a three dimensional object on a plane surface is called its development or pattern. Q67:- What is stretch out or girth line?An s67:- The stretch out or girth line is the length of the pattern or development and is given by the perimeter of the object measured in a plane at right angles to the axis. This term is used in patterns of objects having a constant cross section for their full length. e. g. prisms and cylinders. Q68 – What is the principle of development? Ans68 – The development is based on the principle which indicates that every line on the development must show the true length of the corresponding line on the surface of the object for which development is required. Q69 – What are the different methods of development of surfaces?Ans69:- 1) Parallel line development 2) Radial line development 3) Triangulation development 4) Approximate method Q70 – Why the true lengths of slant edges are determined? Ans70 – The true length of slant edges are determined because every line on the development must show the true length of the corresponding line on the surface of the o bject to be developed. Q71 – What are the applications of development of surfaces? Ans71:- It is used in the fabrication of simple to highly complicated shapes from flat surfaces in sheet metal shops, in the construction of boilers, pattern making, tunnels, buckets, chimney etc.Q72 – What is a point? Ans72 – A point is that which has simply position but no magnitude. It is generally represented by a very small circle or dot. Q73 – What do you mean by octants? Ans73 – When the three planes i. e. H. P. , V. P. and P. P. divide the entire space into eight quadrants, then these quadrants are known as octants. Q74 – What is the difference between first angle and third angle projection? Which angle projection is recommended by B. I. S. now a days? Or What are the types of orthographic projections? Ans74:-First angle projection:-In this projection the object is assumed to be ituated in first quadrant, i. e. in front of V. P and above HP the project ions obtained on these planes is called first angle projection. The symbol for the first angle projection is Figure. Third angle projection: – In this Projection the object is assumed to be situated in the third quadrant that is below HP and behind VP . The front view comes below the XY line and the top view above it. The symbol for the third angle projection is Now a day we are working with first angle projection because it is recommended by the B. I. S and it is adopted by almost all the countries of the world since 1983.Figure. Q75 – Why the projections of an object is not drawn in second and fourth quadrants? Ans75 – The projections of an object is not drawn in second and fourth quadrants because the overlapping will take place. It will become very difficult to understand the views. Q76 – When the auxiliary planes are used? Ans76 – The auxiliary planes are used in order to view the true shape of an inclined surface. The projection drawn on the auxiliary plane is known as the auxiliary view and gives the true shape of the inclined surface. Q77 – What are the types of auxiliary planes?Ans77:-The plane placed at any angles to the principle planes is called auxiliary plane. Auxiliary planes are of two types. 1) Auxiliary vertical plane (A. V. P. ):-It is perpendicular to the HP and inclined to the VP. Projection on an AVP is called auxiliary front view. 2) Auxiliary inclined plane (A. I. P. ):-It is perpendicular to the VP and inclined to the HP. Projection on AIP is called auxiliary top view. Q78 – Define a straight line. Ans78 – A straight line is defined as the shortest distance between the two points. Q79:- What is true length of a line? Ans79:-When a straight line is inclined to one plane and parallel to the ther, its projections on the plane to which it is parallel will show its true length. Q80 – What do you mean by projections of a straight line? Ans80:-To draw the front view, top view and side view of a straight line is called projection of a straight line. Q81:- What is inclination of a straight line? Ans81:-It is defined as the angle which the line makes with the plane. As such a line has two inclinations i. e. inclination with the HP is represented by an angle and inclination of a line with VP is represented by an angle . Q82 – What are the apparent angles of inclinations?Ans82 – The angle made by the front view of a line with reference line (x-y line) is called apparent angle of inclination ?. The angle made by the top view of a line with reference line (x-y line) is called apparent angle of inclination ?. Q83 – Name the methods to determine the true length and true inclinations of a straight line. Ans83:-The following methods are used when the line is inclined to both the reference planes. 1) Rotation method 2) Auxiliary plane method 3) Trapezoid method. Q84 – What are skew lines? Ans84:-Any two lines that are not parallel with each other and do not intersect are called skew lines.Q85 – What is the trace of a straight line? Ans85:-When a straight line is inclined to a plane, it will meet that plane, produced if necessary. The point in which the line or line produced meets the plane is called its trace. 1) Horizontal trace:-The point of intersection of the line with the HP is called the horizontal trace. 2) Vertical trace:-The point of intersection of the line with the VP is called the vertical trace. Q86 – Define a plane. Ans86:-A flat surface generated by moving a straight line in space is called a plane. A plane fig. has only two dimensions i. e. length and breadth.Q87 – What is the difference between a plane and a lamina? Ans87:-Plane:-A plane has no boundary and it extends to infinity in all directions. Lamina:-The plane which has limited extent is also known as lamina. Q88 – What are the types of planes? Ans88:-There are two types of planes. 1) Perpendicular planes:-The planes w hich are perpendicular to one or both the reference i. e. VP and HP are called perpendicular planes. 2) Oblique planes:-The planes which are inclined to both the reference planes i. e. VP and HP are called oblique planes. Q89 – What is the trace of a plane?Ans89:-The lines in which the planes meet the reference planes i. e. HP and VP are called the traces of the planes. There are two types of traces of planes. 1) Horizontal trace:-The intersection of a plane with the horizontal plane is called the horizontal trace. 2) Vertical trace:-The intersection of a plane with the vertical plane is called the vertical trace. Q90 – What is a solid? Ans90 – An object having three dimensions i. e. length, breadth and height is called a solid. E. g. Prisms, Pyramids, cone, cylinder etc. Q91 – What are different types of solids? Ans91:- Solids may be divided into two main groups. ) Polyhedra or polyhedron: – A polyhedra is defined as a solid bounded by planes call ed faces. Which meet in straight lines called edges? 2) Solids of revolution: – The solids which are formed by the revolution of plane figures are known as solids of revolution. e. g. Cylinders, cones, sphere etc. Q92:- What are right solids? Ans92:- A solid is said to be a right solid if its axis is perpendicular to its base or its end faces. Q93 – What are oblique solids? Ans93:- If the axis of a solid is inclined at an angle other than 90? to its base or end faces, it is called as an oblique solid. Q94:- What are regular solids?Ans94:- If all the edges of the base or the end faces of a solid are equal in length and form regular plane figures, it is said to be a regular solid. Q95 – What is the difference between prism and pyramid? Ans95:- 1) Prism:- A prism is a polygon having two equal and similar end faces, called bases, parallel to each other and joined by other side faces which are rectangles or parallelograms. 2) Pyramid: – A pyramid is a polyhedr on, having a polygon as its base and a number of triangular faces, equal to the number of sides of the base polygon, meeting at a common point called the apex or vertex.Q96 – What are the various positions which a solid can take w. r. t. the reference planes? Ans96 – The following are the different positions which a solid can take w. r. t. the reference planes. (i) The solid resting on base on H. P. , with its axis perpendicular to H. P. , and parallel to V. P. (ii) The solid resting on face on H. P. , with its axis perpendicular to V. P. , and parallel to H. P. (iii) The solids resting on face on H. P. , with its axis parallel to H. P. and V. P. (iv) The solid with its axis inclined to one plane and parallel to the other. v) The solid with its axis inclined to both the reference planes i. e. , H. P. and V. P. Q97:-What is an isometric view? Ans97:- If the projection of an object is so drawn that all the three axis of the object are equally inclined to the plane of pro jection then it is called an isometric view. Q98:- What is an isometric scale? Ans98:- The proportion by which the actual length is converted to isometric length is called as isometric scale. Q99 – What are isometric axis? Ans99 – The three lines OA, OB and OC meeting at a point and making 120? ngles with each other are termed as isometric axis. Q100:- What are isometric and non isometric lines? Ans100:- The lines which are parallel to isometric axis are called as isometric lines. The lines which are not parallel to isometric axis are called non isometric lines. Q101 – What are iso-metric planes? Ans101 – The planes representing the faces of an isometric view of the cube as well as the other planes parallel to these planes are called isometric planes. Q102 – Give the various positions of isometric axis. Ans102 – The various positions of isometric axis are as follows. Figure.